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Reggie Strayshun

Change of outlook

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I wonder if the following applies to anyone else;?

My wife is a very perceptive woman. Last night, at dinner, she remarked that I do not seem to be the same old Reggie on a Saturday evening when Norwich City lose. Up till recently if we played badly or lost, I''d be rather snappy, sit morosely and the cat was kicked . Pathetic, I know, but there it is.

But my good lady has noted none of these traits in recent weeks. And, to be honest, she''s absolutely right. I''ve just become so conditioned to City giving a cr@p performance or losing (usually both), that a sort of supine expectancy has crept in. I just assume it''s going to be bad, and therefore I''m not disappointed when it is. Interestingly, I do not go OTT on the odd occasion we play well/win. So even the highs associated with a good day seem dulled too.

I''m afraid that the stupefying nature of a Chris Hughton -run Norwich City can be the only explanation for this.

As I say, have any others noted this sad phenomenon ?

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I have a sh1t weekend every time we lose pretty much. It''s not like I try to have a bad weekend. If we loose I switch off from football completely, dont watch motd, do other things etc.

But having to do that most weekends during the season since last Christmas is becoming very very tiresome. Times like this I compare having interest and a team in Premier League Football as like having eaten of the apple tree in the Garden of Eden! Or a more modern interpretation, taking the red pill in the Matrix! You wish you hadn''t at times like this and that you could be one of those people who go around blissfully unaware of it all and saying; "Football? Pah, dont know what all the fuss is about. Never watch. Except maybe the world cup..."

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Yeh its sad isnt it, I find myself taking the piss or just being much more pragmatic after a Norwich loss than the old rage around the house routine.

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What a great post - I thought it might be just me.  I can''t even be bothered to argue Hughton in or out - the Board will do as they wish and we will just endure.  Originally I was frustrated as I thought we had quality players, but the lack of passion from anyone at the club - players, manager and board has drained my enthusiasm.

I have a ticket for Liverpool, but given the Manchester debacles and Suarez ease at getting 3 every time he plays us, I am for the first time in years considering not bothering going.

I didn''t think it possible, but the current set up is draining my emotional attachment - even when we went down under Gunn, I at least knew he was hurting even if the players were poor.  

I doubt the club shop will do much business this Christmas, and last seasons highlights is unlikely to be a best seller!


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