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Officer Tillys small Willies (Nigel,lappy)

Lets all do the happy clap!!

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Why if someone is not happy over transfers got to be a bad fan or a binner. i liken it to when you are a kid at xmas, you wake up xmas day expecting a mountain bike and get a trade bike, you are disappointed in fact pxssed off but you dont stop loving your parents. Same as City imo they have made a pigs ear of this window and i am not over impressed with our signings, but i hope to hell they win saturday and if they dont it will spoil my whole weekend probably kick my dog and i woke speak to the missus for days.

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[quote user="Joanna Grey"]"...probably kick my dog ...."

Says it all.[/quote]

Get a life it was meant light heartily, people on this forum...........jeez

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Ricky, I agree that it is highly unlikely that unhappy posters are "binners."

However, I am not sure that constant negativity is helpful and can rightfully be considered "support," so the bad fan allegation might be considered by some to have more validity.

In this particular case, the OP initiated the criticism of fans with the pejorative use of "happy clap." The OP is hardly being flattering of other fans and cannot therefore be too sensitive to criticism of his/ her own support.

If s/he criticises others, s/he should anticipate a degree of retaliation surely?

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I wasn''t at the Spurs game, and I can''t actually get to many games this season.So, just for interest''s sake, did those who were there, think we looked like a team "sleepwalking to the Championship"?

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nor was i at game but my son was and says City were superb first half but after 60 mins seem like they wanted to cling on rather than continue what they had done so well to get them in a winning position. But be fair we were do a good performance after Liverpool and Luton and we will need a few more of them before the season is over, starting saturday.

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