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cotswold canary

Edward Elizabeth Hitler

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Is it just me or does Bryan Gunn''s photo on the ncfc offical website under the heading "Sterling performance"  make him look like Edward Elizabeth Hitler (Ade Edmundson) from TV''s comerdy series Bottom???????????? or are they one of the same.


Keep it going Gunny

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Harry Hill was my first thought... but which is better? There''s only one way to find out...

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[quote user="cotswold canary"]

Is it just me or does Bryan Gunn''s photo on the ncfc offical website under the heading "Sterling performance"  make him look like Edward Elizabeth Hitler (Ade Edmundson) from TV''s comerdy series Bottom???????????? or are they one of the same.


Keep it going Gunny


The irony is, that during the European season, Gunny was often compared to Eddie''s partner in crime Rik "Ritchie" Mayall.

If you don''t believe me, it even gets a mention in his testimonial prog!


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[img]http://images.google.co.uk/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://homepage.mac.com[/img] Kurgan from highlander...

[img]http://images.google.co.uk/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/39/Bryan_Gunn_in_the_Gunn_Club.jpg&usg=AFQjCNG-UU4VNpOe2M3dDQZfcKOcYR8BsA[/img] the gunnster!

seperated at Birth?

jas :)

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