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Your boys took a hell of a beating

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[quote user="Pboro_Canary"]

OMG - that brings back some painful memories!  But the commentator is pure genius.


Yes I used this last week on an Italian supporter, who said to me before the tournament started "Rheey who do Engleerrldy plaay in the firrst match? Now I know Flavio married an English girl from Kings Lynn and his two boys read this message board and both have been playing with the City youth and I have heard that both have talent .

Now I was ready for him after the Holland match , when he walked into my office the day after I shouted , "Julius Cesar , Marco Polo, Benito mussolini, Michelangelo , Casanova , your boys took a hell of a beating" . I honestly don''t think he knew what I was talking about all he said was "Rheey you are crhaaszy I will bet yoo Italaay win it all , I bet you a £10 Italaay doo it all " . Needless to say knowing arrdee''s luck I declined , which sent him off on a tirade of the Latin which I had no hope of understanding , wish I had taken his bet now , hindsight is such a wonderful thing .[:(] arrdee.

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