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Wings of a Sparrow

Redwell v Red Bull easy mistake to make..

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My @rse.

Anyone been following the story?

Large corporation flexing it''s legal muscle over trademark name of a micro brewery in Norwich.

Thankfully common sense prevailed (so long as Redwell Brewery do not start making/selling energy drinks).

The Norwich firm said it had been threatened with legal action by the multi national, which claimed the name Redwell could "confuse" customers and "tarnish" Red Bull''s trademark.

Why anyone drinks that shite is beyond me (energy drinks not real ale).

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I hate it when big companies threaten small businesses with slightly similar names or even same names but not selling the same product.

If they don''t like it, they need to buy every potential name and trademark it. Otherwise, shut the hell up. Who''s gonna confuse Red Bull with Redwell anyways?

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Yes, well done Redwell. As for Red Bull, I can honestly say I have never tried the evil smelling muck. Just the awful odour it gives off is enough to make me feel slightly queasy. Yuck!

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