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Please help save UEA Music School

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It''s sad the pinkun has become such a demise, it''s why I rarely bother posting anymore.

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[quote user="AJ Wizard"]re: rock the boat The closure of the music school is not because it hasn''t got successful potential financially, it''s because of poor management. Why is it posted here? Check the start of my first post. I''ve posted here for a long, long time. Way back when the pink''un forums were born. It disgusts me that people on here now try and turn an innocent ask for help into some kind of slagging and abusive merit. If you don''t want to sign, then don''t, but there''s no need to blight something that others may really care about.[/quote]


AJ, like you I really care, too. That''s why I posted. I care that we as a country don''t end up with massive debts that get passed on to our children''s and grandchildren generation to pay off. That''s where we''re headed and if it means sacrificing a music course for budding rock stars then that''sthe price that has to be paid. Surely, you can accept that our national debt has to be reduced? So where should we do it? In closing hospitals? I''m not someredneck who sees no value in arts, but it''s a question of prioritising our resources. If it makes you happy then I''m against subsidising opera for the same reason.

So the music school is going to be closed because of poor management, you say? Not surprising, actually. Most state-run organisations are poorly managed because there is little incentive to implement good management. And if arts and culture do make a significant contribution to the national economy then let private enterprise take over the management of the music college. If it really does make contribution as you suggest then private enterprise will step in because that''s the way free markets works.   

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[quote user="Gingerpele"]P.S signed it. And agree with you completely AJ. When people call Music, Film, Drama etc worthless or however else they want to describe it, they seem to forget that they (probably) will quite happily enjoy music, films, tv theatre etc. And certainly, to get into the film or TV industry now, you really need to know what your doing and also need to know the critical/theoretical side to it. If you won the lottery and fancied making a film, you couldn''t just go ahead and do it, you need to know how and believe me its not all that straight forward. So while you think it may be a waste of money funding degrees in such subject, but people doing these degrees are just as likely to do something worthwhile as people who did any kind of traditional degree. (In fact, the boyfriend of one of my house mates this year got a 2:1 Law degree at Kent University, and is currently working at a nightclub.....) Shyster maybe has a point, there probably are too many people doing degrees. Maybe the increased fees will put people off (probably what the government are hoping for). I remember this Aim Higher Bus coming to my high school, when I was in Year 9 or 10, think it was year 9. And they were saying how wonderful it is to go to Sixth form and university it will lead to a better job etc. And while, they or other sources may have also given advice on getting jobs, the emphasis at schools is clearly to stay in education for as long as possible. But now, so many people doing degrees its just as hard to get a job as it is if you leave school at 16. In my year doing FRTV, there is probably about 60-80 people. In one year, at one University. There will be hundreds, maybe even thousands of people graduating from Film/Media degrees in the year i graduate across the UK, and the year before that a similar number, and the year after a similar number. And there aren''t nearly enough jobs to cover it all. To be honest, being a not overly confidant person I''ve kind of given up on the idea of actually working in the film industry before i''ve even tried (and that attitude won''t get me anywhere either :P) because i''m nothing special in my year group, which in itself is probably nothing special either, now if I really try and push it i''m sure i''d get somewhere at some point, but still. Anyway, i''ve been going on for far too long about nothing important :P[/quote]

So what, therefore, is the rationale behind spending large sums of taxpayers money to send kids on courses for 3-4 years when there is no hope of a job at the end of  it? Is it just to keep the unemployed statistics down?

If you pay your own way, ie cover the costs 100% yourself, I have no problem with anyone doing any course they wish. However, if you''re being subsidised by taxpayers then we have a right to expect your education is an investment in the economic future of the country.

And for the posters who say it is the end of arts in this country if themusic school closes, utter tosh. In fact ever since arts developed centuries ago, the private sector has always been the main benefactor of the arts. Whenever and wherever economies have flourished and produced supluses, so the arts have flourished. There is a strong correlation between surplus wealth and widespread arts and culture. In other words, arts have always done better in a thriving capatalist system than  in a socialist system.

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I have to go with "Rock the Boat" on this one.....Good luck Gingerpele.I earned £2.00 a week sweeping a stage . Lunch was free.My parents gave a small amount of help towards the booze.During my time I met David Suchet, Bill Nighy,in their first jobs.Best leave the time I shared a room with Russell Grant in Harrogate. The nicest chap you could ever meet.My pension is due soon, Once it was Lew Grade. Then an Australian.Now back to another Lord. Webber Sorry capitalists fix the bills. Socialists spend them.

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So the music school got closed, for those who might not have heard.

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Sorry to hear that AJ.I got an email off them but never heard the final result.What are they doing next?

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