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Everything posted by Aggy

  1. To be fair, when you consider that they think Reform’s 14 per cent of the vote makes them some sort of majority force that everyone now has to agree with, you can understand how concerned they must be getting if they think close to 20 per cent are foreign!
  2. Some of it clearly not - eg; groups of kids just being idiots (I think one in court aged 14 was it yesterday?) Some of it though difficult to argue against it. A group of people violently trying to scare other groups of society and the government into doing what they want, because they disagree with the elected government. No doubt the usual suspects will say that’s all hyperbole. But you can guarantee they would change their tune if it was something like the housing example I gave above targeted at anyone who isn’t foreign.
  3. So it’s not multicultural but you’ve spent the last week whinging about there being too many immigrants and, in particular, those who do not integrate with British culture.
  4. I posted the definition of terrorism from the gov.uk website a few days ago… ”The use or threat of serious violence against a person or serious damage to property where that action is: designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public or a section of the public; and for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.” There was violence and threat of violence against people. There was damage to property. We’re told by posters on here the action was to influence the government in favour of the rioters’ political cause…
  5. The attempt on here to try and turn a tiny little number of people looting, burning and attacking policemen into “a majority taking things into their own hands” makes your mind boggle. Some need to be a bit careful what they wish for….For instance, I’m sure there are plenty of youngsters who are far more fed up with the housing situation and boomers owning multiple houses/charging extortionate rent than they are about immigration - perhaps they should start setting fire to OAP’s homes to make a point? Crazy.
  6. I think you’ve missed the point.
  7. Good point. Labour haven’t done so in a month of being in power so let’s riot.
  8. Yeah but only 20 per cent of the population voted Labour, so no need to accept the result of the democratic process. We should all listen to the 400 racists who have been arrested though. I think that’s the gist of his argument.
  9. There are lots of things the extreme elements would like to happen which the centre parties don’t take notice of. Not having an opinion popular enough to win an election doesn’t mean you can go round looting and attacking policemen though, does it.
  10. Difficult to stop - I don’t know what the government can do/whether there’s technology available or ways to fight the interference. Someone somewhere above mentioned things such as the possibility of banning Twitter/X until they take it more seriously. I’m generally against the government going to those sort of lengths though. For me, the more important angle is the education side. I don’t know what is currently taught in schools or how it’s taught, but we spent hours analysing the provenance of sources in history lessons for example. “Just” history and probably none of the subject matter has had any practical impact on any of my class mates daily lives whatsoever, but you’re taught to think about the source of the information and why / how it might be biased. That won’t solve the problem completely but if you can get a few more people not just to lap up the first thing they see online then it might go some way to helping…
  11. Just to jump in and clarify, I wasn’t talking about the mandate of this government. I was talking about inciting riots because your views aren’t being taken into account by the democratically elected government.
  12. “All you democracy supporting leftists should wake up and pander to the rioting racists who didn’t have enough support to get even close to winning the recent democratic election… be warned!” Get a grip.
  13. Perhaps he can respond to any of the points I’ve actually made while he’s at it.
  14. Ha you joke but there is a fair point in there… I’ll be interested to see what happens when all of this cools down. Difficult to judge based on words (rather than any evidence of acting on them at the moment) which were presumably intended to try and stop violent riots and people attacking police…
  15. I’m a bit disappointed that’s all you can come up with. Make stupid point, try but fail to backtrack, waffle on about some random unrelated stuff, make stuff up, make jokes about posters having dementia, then finish with … this. Very underwhelming.
  16. Strange then that you would post suggesting I was supportive of violent riots without anything to support that. Almost as if you were making stuff up. Anyway, let’s get back to seriousness. Any chance of you responding to any of the questions I’ve been asking you? Or are we now just to assume that you have no interest in serious discussion as you claim?
  17. Any luck in finding where I supported violent riots backing BLM as you claimed yesterday?
  18. And you’re suggesting the “country collapsing” is a result of Labour’s one month in power as opposed to the fourteen years prior? A bit silly to draw comparisons between something which happened 40 years ago after Labour had been in power for half a decade, and some far right thugs playing up a month into their time in government now.
  19. Are you suggesting the stock market has also got offended at Starmer’s “two tier policing”, or are you saying he needs to come down harder on the rioters to get control?
  20. I suspect he doesn’t know and is just on a wind up.
  21. Did he post a picture of the “alleged Muslim”? I hadn’t realised that when someone on here copied his whining about the Daily Mail posting his whereabouts!
  22. That’s all great, but what exactly is “on” the Labour Party in the below post? “Most of the reason reform did so well was that a lot of people believed the Conservatives were too soft on this and I imagine that's the group from which these rioters are appearing; Labour immediately reversing course so quickly before they've done anything to fix the situation is on them.”
  23. Are you literally just quoting things and posting completely unrelated responses? Any chance we can stay on topic? Why did your list of the causes of the riots include only “the same failed formule [sic]” that JJR posted, and not the rioters themselves?
  24. I mean what the full sentence says. Try quoting the other half of it at the same time.
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