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paul moy

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Everything posted by paul moy

  1. Now go back and check who was convinced that lockdowns don't work .... remourners methinks !! maybe you were an exception..😂
  2. They already do it with the Ebola vaccines...
  3. Must be based on Russian data, just as the Chinese vaccine is. 😂 Enough said !!!
  4. Indeed, that is not good advice until the trials can confirm it. Trials start today of Pfizer/ Astra mixture but an expert said today on Five Live that each combination will necessitate a separate trial. Commonsense really. NB: Vaccine mixing already exists with the Ebola vaccines
  5. North Korea orders AstraZeneca vaccine 🤗 : https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1393279/north-korea-news-vaccine-news-astrazeneca-oxford-eu-covid19-kim-jong-un
  6. It's not a case of whether a person thinks it will kill them but what the side-effects are, and weighing up potential costs and benefits to an individual's health. It's not all black and white and is a personal decision and you should respect that. I have done a lot of my own research into jabs in the past after having what I considered valid suspicions, that I wont put on here as I want people to take the jab, but there are in my view very good reasons to be cautious. I repeat... I will definitely be taking this jab because the benefits in this covid crisis in my view clearly outweigh the potential costs. Incidentally, I heard today on Radio Five that scientists are now doing tests on mixing of the Pfizer and Oxford jabs and results of the testing on healthy people will be available in June. They believe that mixing of jabs may actually be proven to be more efficatious,
  7. I read today that the UK and the USA each put around 7 times more per capita into vaccine development than the EU last year...... no wonder we are reaping the rewards while the EU is an abject failure. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9209689/How-EU-failed-plan-vaccines-rollout.html
  8. He apologised after he was caught red-handed, and it was proven that he had lied. You remourners really are beyond the pale with trying to defend the indefensible yet again...... 😂
  9. ... and another good reason to leave the EU... we can stop a takeover of AstraZeneca but under the EU we could not : https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1392888/uk-astrazeneca-eu-rules-vaccine-pfizer-coronavirus-covid19-takeover-france-germany-spt
  10. They were known as Liebore for a reason , and nothing changes : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9219429/Furious-Keir-Starmer-confronts-Boris-Johnson-PMQs.html
  11. RTB is correct. The only reason the EU were ever interested was in order to thwart Brexit.
  12. Oh the irony. Starmer got caught out lying to Parliament in Prime Minister's Questions today when Boris accused him of wanting to remain in the EMA. He had to later apologise for his lies :
  13. They implemented it for five hours before backtracking......plonker 😂
  14. ...and now Switzerland (not in the EU but in their thrall) ban the jab : https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1392962/eu-vaccine-latest-astrazeneca-switzerland-ban-oxford-vaccine-uk-latest
  15. Would still be costing us billions...... not worth it as the EU would continue to suck us dry, we could not have regained fishing , would still be paying child benefit for foreign children not in the uk, and could not make our own trade deals, we'd be open to EU debt when it eventually fails and we would be reliant on their brilliant vaccination program...LOL...... the list goes on....and on....... 😎
  16. We are trying to at least let some business go on.....
  17. He tried with the trucker testing over xmas. You probably are unaware as usual......😝
  18. Go and live in your beloved EU where there were at least 4,313 covid deaths yesterday (as some countries such as Germany undercount) , and good luck with getting vaccinated there !! 🤣😝
  19. Rubbish.... you know as well as us that the EU are being deliberately vindictive, and hence the Article 16 fiasco. ... and then of course the ham sandwiches 😂 .... and Macron insisting all truckers are tested at the border .... and now decrying the AstraZeneca vaccine and telling us our scientists are useless. We need to hit back...... like for like 😝
  20. The EU have been applying rules by the letter for us, so let's let them have us do it to them to..... TOUCHE !!!! 🤗
  21. You were amonst others that applauded the 100K, you equally nasty piece of work.
  22. Add Sweden to those EU countries that decry AstraZeneca and vaccinating the elderly, and thus also clearly believe that our scientists are useless and risk-takers. Personally, I believe that our biotech scientists are the best in the world and this will be further proven over the next few months.
  23. The headline death rates are what the critics look at and rightfully so. The young will be vaccinated in good time, but the elderly for obvious reasons must be the priority, and it was an independent body that set the criteria. Commonsense says vaccinate those most at risk first and I back the UK for this reason above the crazy EU who now want to vaccinate the youngest first. Could it be that the 'younger' are more easily manipulated and thus likely to be pro EU and that killing older folk will increase the EU demographic in its favour ..... probably
  24. Deaths are the main metric and therefore the elderly must be the priority for any government.
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