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Gorgeous George<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><center><img src="http:members.westnet.com.aumarksillsgeorgegg.gif"><br><br><center>

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Everything posted by Gorgeous George<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><center><img src="http:members.westnet.com.aumarksillsgeorgegg.gif"><br><br><center>

  1. Robert: cheer up mate those are some happy memories. Quote: It occurs to me that having the chance to be bottom of the Premiership was what we were celebrating then. Pity it doesn''t seem to be worth celebrating now though! Have you got a big group of Norwich lads down there in manilla, I''ve heard there a few?
  2. It sounded like none of them were happy, Helveg unhappy to be not playing (understandable), Worthy obviously not happy enough with him to give him a start, Olsen putting in his 2p worth obviously to get Helveg concentrating on the Danish front of things, no ones happy, and I reckon even if he did get a start this weekend, he''ll be crap anyway because he''s not settled or happy here anymore. Him and worhty gotta work things out before anything else, get it sorted, then move from there and get him into the game... a.s.a.p!! Worthy either gets him out there, gets him playing regular, settling him down again! Or he goes, which he''ll be looking to do before not too long if that''s the case... shame really, if it came to that! Like many people have already said, a waste to have talent like that sitting out, Perhaps some people are right, he doesn''t fit in here? His style of play isn''t suited for our game play right now, but if that''s the case worthy should''na got him! Or should use him proper?
  3. I''ve not heard the song before Richard, but the words are uplifting. Very fitting for the weekend, but i don''t know how many people would know the words, Thats why they always play OTBC, cos everyone knows the words, chuck in something new and we usually all look silly, cos we all try to mumble the words we dont know! Nice one but.
  4. Holt is a work horse and he''s a true hero for the working class in my mind... nothin fancy, no glim an glam, just as you see it, straight down the line. you''re right he doesn''t have the greatest skills, but the skills he has got have him playing in premier league, regardless of what anyone says.phah: do what you like mate, fact is he''s a top flight footballer, and as for you, maybe youre just another wolf in sheeps clothing eh? Show support mate, or sell ya ticket to someone who cares and stop wasting space...Ive an opinion, so do you, i call it even mate!see ya''s in the ring.
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