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nutty nigel

What if....

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..... the clouds roll in, the rain keeps coming, or the wind isn''t kind..

What if tempers flare, dreams disturb, or mockery overwhelms..

What if scandal strikes, the red mist falls, or that bone breaks..

What if fate intervenes, or the underdogs beat the odds and topple the favourites..

What if the ref likes his cards, they park the bus, time is on your side and the long ball just keeps coming..

What if he gets his break, they find their form, and he does the impossible...

And what if you''ve called it right...

Nothing''s certain, that''s why it''s exciting...

Take part in Rays Funds, the new thread''s up later today and everyone is welcome[Y]



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"they park the bus"


best idea in my mind


players jumping off a moving bus is not a good strategy



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[quote user="City1st"]

"they park the bus"


best idea in my mind


players jumping off a moving bus is not a good strategy




City1st, does your response on this thread suggest you may be predicting on the weekly "Ray''s Funds for Foncy" thread. It really doesn''t take much time to support the cause.....just a one line positive input, which is good training. [;)]

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