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Darren Purse

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I''m bored at work and should be doing boring things that i''m clearly trying to avoid and i was thinking about Purse. I saw that he was released by Cardiff but havent heard anything else. Has he moved anywhere?? If not i''m sure we could get him if we tried and he''d have to be worth a punt at this level.

Perhaps he wouldn''t drop down but its gotta be worth a try.

Also, i''m concerned that Gunn saya he''s after a number 1 and number 9. I can see Lee, Dickinson and maybe the keeper from brum Doyle coming in but what about wingers?? There''s no mention of us trying to find any wingers and apart from the bloke neilsen on trial from non league Cambs City we don''t seem to be showing any prospects of getting a winger. I know Wade Small has been mentioned but not much else has been said.

One final point, we will undoubtedly bring in a couple of loan players nearer the start of the season, does anyone have any thoughts on possible signings??

Please reply, it will give me something to do..................


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