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Trying not to get sentimental...

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But anyone reading this who remembers and watched the ''class of 93'' will find it difficult.


Butterworth would be a fantastic coaching asset for our defence. Doc could learn so much from him! Whatever anyone thinks, just having those 4 back at the club will create an incredible atmosphere. They won''t have to do anything to motivate the players!

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[quote user="a1canary"]They won''t have to do anything to motivate the players![/quote]

Until results start to go wrong - which is when a manager comes into his own.  These guys are legends yes, but can they address a slip in form?  Deehan couldn''t before (albeit with no help from Chase who was selling his players from under him), Gunny has no experience, and Crook (not sure but has a fair track record abroad).  Butterworth - wait until we have him here.

I will back Gunn now he is in post and judge on his results after a few matches, but I am worried he is being set up to fail by a Board who hopes his legend status will fend of criticism of him and them.

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