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Delia, When Do I Start??

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just got back from london(where i work) and was sitting on the underground, where i overheard a grop of 40-50year olds discussing that arsenal are looking to loan some of their reserve squad to lower divisions to gain experiance for next season. Arsene Wenger has always been linked with us and sending out his loan players to us, so i have a gut feeling that they may be on their way. Crook will keep them playing the fantastic football that they do at arsenal and AW would love that.

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I was on the train the other day and I heard some blokes talking about Chelsea loaning some more players out, Gunn played a few games against them, so maybe we could get some??????

I doubt that we would get some players off them, since GR could be pals with them, then again, we didn''t get many more off them after Gibbs. But its safe to say, that if GR gets the job at Gooners with the yoots (Which I think he would be good at) then we have no chance [;)]

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