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concern about big man

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[quote user="Chocolatebuttons"]wha if we resort to the big hoooof up field and dont play the amazing football we have witnessed recently?[/quote]it wont happen..GR has us playing a certain way...its just we need some 1 told hold the ball up and play others in...and corners-freekicks etc

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[quote user="Chocolatebuttons"]wha if we resort to the big hoooof up field and dont play the amazing football we have witnessed recently?[/quote]

Sibierski is not that type of big man.He wants it to feet because he can actually play!

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Lovely football buttons but you''re missing one rather important point. Lovely, losing football! Or certainly not winning at least. It''s unfortunate, but largely true, that you need to have the outlet a big man provides so that in the times you are under pressure he can hold the ball up the pitch. Otherwise it ends up coming straight back and even with Dejan and Kennedy at the back we can''t withstand that much pressure.

Of course that does mean that at times, when players are short of ideas and confidence they can be too quick to knock it long - witness the Ashton years after we were relegated. But i''m hopeful this won''t happen because a) Roeder doesn''t want us to play like that in posession and b) we''ve had plenty of practice in the last few games and in pre-season of playing without anyone to knock it long too, with the result that we''ve played some good confident passing football.

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