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Lonnie Lynn (Common)


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I''m not being out of order and i''m sorry if i offend anyone with this piece but Mark Fotheringham is probably the worst player i have ever seen.....actually he isn''t the worst player ever for example Stephen Glass & Hayden Foxe ( and Ipswich''s donkey striker Walters) and i''m sure their are others that are worse, but whilst his non-perfomance is still being recycled in my mind i thought i''d release this......I knew the Scottish league was bad but if Rangers & Celtic both wanted him then want an insult to there current squad and a stain on the SPL on a whole....extraordinary.....''Fozzy'' has aimlessly detiorated from being an poor-irrelevant player to a player that can no longer be given such praise as irrelevant because he is that poor, i put it bluntly in a simple diagram....Irelevant>Poor>Abysmal>Laughable>No longer Laughable>almost feel sorry for him>actually definetly don''t feel sorry for him>current status BAD....i''m not gonna list numerous attributes that he has dreadfully displayed because ''Fozzy'' can be summed up in one word BAD....everthing he does is below average....does anyone really think BAD has earned himself a new deal and if so please tell me what hes done to impress.....hopefully he will prove me wrong although i very much doubt it......I bet Rangers & Celtic are kicking themselves now, what a loss!

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I thought FOzzy had a very good first half. Playing wide he linked well with hucks when he drifted over that way and caused problems.

Second half when he went into the middle he dropped out ofthe game. TO be fair though a lot of city players did the same second half, dickson included.

And WTF was that free kick all about? Really Really poor decision, but I suspect he''s had that pointed out to him already!

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i dont think hes too bad, and considering safri is off to the african cup next jan we should defo give him a years extension to see what hes got after a proper pre-season.

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