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Grant Listens to the Canary Faithful

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Rupethebear wrote the following post at 22/01/2007 8:16 PM:

Ok so Worthy sacks Foley and the board sack Worthy yet Livermore stays.

Why didn''t we clear him out when Worthy left, what has he got to offer?


At last my prayers have been answered!!

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If Grant had had a No.2 that he wanted to bring with him when he took over, we probably would have done.

Keith Webb has departed, and the decline in reserve team football means that we no longer need a reserve team coach, hence a new job for Gunny without creating an extra post.  

Gunny''s role is interesting.  We certainly do need a "Chief Scout" but it sounds as though Gunny''s role is more than that.  Grant appears to have little time for or patience with the office based side of football management and is much more interested in coaching, so I wonder if Martin Hunter''s days are numbered too? 

In his interview Jim Duffy suggested that his role was to bring his "previous experience of management".  Reading between the lines, I predict that he could well become more of a "manager" than the manager . . . But someone has to have overall responsibility.  I hope it will work.  Duffy and Grant may even end up  switching roles in effect.  You heard it here first.



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I think that Grant realises that he is inexperienced when i comes to management so he is doing the sensible thing by surrounding himself with experienced and knowledgeabale people. If you know who the right people to have around you are and to advise you then you''ll inevitably learn more and achieve more 

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[quote user="Cobain18"]I think that Grant realises that he is inexperienced when i comes to management so he is doing the sensible thing by surrounding himself with experienced and knowledgeabale people. If you know who the right people to have around you are and to advise you then you''ll inevitably learn more and achieve more [/quote] Surely you can''t get more experienced than Livermore. I mnean just think all of those years he''s had at Norwich doing.....um......er.....well actually no one really knows, but he must have been doing something??

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