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The Judge


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Just been reading the articles in todays paper and I have to say although it is still very early days for Peter Grant he is starting to annoy me, and more importantly worry me with some of the things he is saying and doing !

So its now the refs fault is it Peter ? - you blamed the players and fans and now its the ref eh !!! perhaps you need to start looking abit closer to home..you also state "we passed the ball square" - when have you seen Carl Robinson pass the ball forwards eh Peter ? - you go on to say "we are an ordinary side when we haven''t got the ball" - in that case pick players that can actually keep the ball, not give it away all the time.

I am still prepared to give him more time and it will be really interesting the type of players he gets in January (assuming he gets some) as this will tell us alot about the type of player he wants, therefore the type of football he wants to play.

Too much talking Peter, and not enough action or on field changes from the enept Worthington for my liking. Anyone who can continually pick the same midfield pairing week in week out when it is clearly the midlfield that is loosing the team its shape and drive. Anyone who can pick Robinson week in week out over and above Safri (or anyone else in the squad, or as a matter of fact - anyone!!) clearly is struggling. I hope for our sake (and yours) you sort it out quickly - but until you do just stop trying to deflect the critacism on everyone and anyone but yourself... watch out ball boys/girls, stewards, etc he''ll be blamign you soon.....

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Blame the players were not the problem, because when someone made mistakes, he should have accept the blame, but look at the players he had blamed and praised.

Prasied: Ashdown when he kept clean sheet against Cardiff, Hughes he can play anywhere, Robinson scored the Leicester goal

Blamed: Hucks not track back much, Jarvis not taken his chance, Gallacher recently

I agree what you said, did Robinson did everything right? Did Colin made much overlapping run? Seems Granty justy liked to blame the fans favourite...:-O

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Imo Grant''s comments are most stupid any Managers has made so far this reason.

Rather than being so concerned with the referee Grant should be more concerned about the piss poor performances of the team.

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