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37 tears young.........

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It says a lot about our current position re playing strength when we rely on a 37 year old to be man of the match again playing both at the back for the majority of the game and then to switch to an effective target man.

Lets hope for value for money January additions as well as Chadwick/Croft etc. Other than that I wonder if Ted MacDougall and Phil Boyer still have their boots? (For you younger ones these were significant players from the John Bond days of the 1970''s.........................if only! 

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This wasn''t Dion''s best game and he made mistakes at the back. I didn''t think he was MOM, Shackell was definitely better for me. You are right, he did switch to be an effective targetman, which is what he is here for, and begs the question why wasn''t here there in the first place. That''s 2 games running we moved him up top after we go behind. Howabout stick him up front to try and get a goal in front for a change?



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Who would you have played at the back with Shackell then after Dions awesome performances in that postion the last few weeks?

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CanaryNut, I take it you did not see Gary Speed''s performance for Bolton yesterday. He too is 37 years old and playing superbly. Give me the right attitude of a quality 37 year old over the poor attitude of a 25 year old any day of the week.

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Whoever is left to play there I guess CA! Put Drury there and Hughes at LB, or put Colin there and MLJ at RB. Flem played for the reserves on Tuesday but probably isnt match fit, but he could have played. Try Spillane there or another youngster. And as soon as The Doc is fit put him there.

I am not disputing the fact that Dion has played well at CB, I also think he is the best at the club in that position. But he is also the best targetman at the club too and thats what he was brought in for. What we have seen in the last 2 games is that despite Dublin performing well in defence we have been losing goals and then putting him up front to try and save a game we are losing. I would rather he played up front which would increase our chances of scoring first and winning the game.

Depends what you value most I guess, but a clean sheet has never won 3 points without scoring at least 1 goal at the other end.


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Anyone would think being 37 means you are close to picking up your pension! if you keep yourself in good shape then you can compete at this level, there are certainly younger players with less stamina! also, you get experience with someone of that age, this is important in a defence unit.

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