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Bracing for impact

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Worthy has made his speech about there "not being a lot around" and chances are we won''t get anyone in before the deadline.

As much as I don''t want to rain on the parade of a good start to the season, Worthington''s transfer record is shocking. Whenever we have a glaringly obvious ommission in the squad, he always stutters and stumbles around the problem. I know a few people will jump in with "Huckerby, Ashton, Earnshaw" etc, and yes, he does bring in the occasional good player, but whenever we reach a transfer window he dithers, whinges about inflated prices, and usually ends up bringing in sub-par loanees, often in positions we don''t need cover in.

In January, when we lost Ashton and needed a target man and the perpetual right winger to replace the injured Marney, we got a half-pint Earnshaw, good as he is, to play with McKenzie (although Worthy obviously didn''t believe the two could play together as he avoided it as much as he could), Johannsson, another non-header winning striker to play third wheel behind Earnie and Leon, and Rehman, who he played for a couple of games before dumping in the reserves.

What can we expect before Friday? I''m inclined to think by the statements made that no permanents will come in. A loanee in October is about as far as we''ll go I''m guessing. That''s a huge gamble with potential promotion opportunities on the fitness of Huckerby and Earnshaw.

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Unless this is a classic Worthy "Nothings Happening" situation that means 3 players will sign Thursday, I can''t help but think we are going to be heading down the rocky road of emergency loans again until January.

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The only positive I can think of having read Worthington''s "Don''t hold your breath" comments on the deadline looming, is that the year we went up, the squad was much weaker than this one at this stage. Admittedly we didn''t have a transfer window to adher to then though. It''ll take a couple of loans-permanents as good as Huckerby, Crouch and Cooper to get us up again though.

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No one really knows how much he''s got to spend.  Deafening silence from the boardroom on the Greeno money.

Neil, if you''re reading this, we would like to know if all the money from Greeno''s move has gone into this summer''s transfer pot.  Yes or no. 

While you''re about it, for the millionth time: What''s happened to the parachute money?

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