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Bury Yellow

To Wiz Diane Gazza and all others who have kept the faith

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Haven''t bothered to post for the last week or so. Have read all posts and you lot have said it better than me!!

Delia and gang have really gone for it (not sure what poor old Doomy makes of it!), so whatever happens I will be supporting in every way, promotion or not, this season.

The last time I think there was so many positive vibes around was when Arthur South signed John Bond. Think on and enjoy!!!

Finally; just got back from Derby. Fine all round team performance. ''We luv you'' was in top form and this boy Leon is going to be something else.

In all walks of life an organisation that makes brave but measured decisions will always be admired and in many instances will succeed.

There''s a few names not on the board at the moment. You must have chased them off Wiz!!!

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Hi Bury Belvoir,

Just got back myself from Derby too,great result,6 points clear and Huckerby''s here its going to be a very happy new year for all us Norwich fans.

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Glad you are back Bury,we missed you!I really enjoyed the Derby game too.

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Given up ideas of invading Poland then, BB? Told you we''d be here for you when you felt better. Your idea of keeping the faith was to stop supporting City, I seem to remember...

A great New Year to everyone who wants to see NCFC survive and prosper, through thick and thin.

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Think you are being a bit harsh on Bury Belvoir dont you think Old Man?
P.S. Your son Mook has been very quiet lately is he ok?

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Mook''s back in The Smoke now, and on a high like the rest of us. Didn''t mean to be harsh on BB, I was just recalling his previous rant. But I''m glad he''s back with us, because if we can''t all enjoy this - top of the table, best goal difference, strengthened squad all playing for the manager, NW Manager of the Month, Board showing a sensible balance between common sense and ambition - together, something''s wrong. And, at some stage we''ll lose games and the moaners will resurface, so make the best of it.

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Good post Old boy,give our best to Mook and tell him to find a pc quickly as we are missing his posts.

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I''m still here! But as everything is pretty much perfect at the moment, I can''t think of anything to post about. I''m glad everyone seems to have forgotten about giving up their season tickets.

When you''re watching soccer special and the goals keep popping up - first Flem (again!), then Malky, then McVeigh and finally a pen from Leon, in an AWAY game - you know things can''t get much better. Then Jeff Wassissname tells the viewers we''ve extended our lead at the top to six points, and I can''t stop smiling. And I still haven''t.

Only thing I can do is echo the Old Boy''s sentiments that things can''t be this wonderful all of the time - enjoy the good times but don''t bank on them, and let''s not be too harsh when we have a blip or two.

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Thanks for all your comments you lot.

Old Boy - I did invade Poland as it happens and look where it''s got us. They only want to join the EU now!!

Take your point about '' it can''t always be this good'' Mook, but all of us that advocated that the board must take a calculated risk, acknowledge it doesn''t guarantee success. It does, however, show the rest of the football world that NCFC are a force to be reckoned with again and makes us all I''m sure, proud to be part of it.

We will all purchase season tickets next year whatever the outcome.

Better go and have a drink - becoming a bit of a bore!!

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