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Flying as a hobby in general.

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Does anyone do this? (Best get this over and done with. Sorry about the fast jet death yesterday.Chaps signed up to support troops and did so with courage, but I guess the Red Arrows were volunteers according to ability.)Reading of Martin Shaw''s enjoyment of his WW2 Piper Cub artillery spotter that was used on D-Day, he says that his watch is more  complex than the plane''s control panel. It must be nice to just potter about up there.I know that the lead singer with Iron Maiden flies commercial airliners as well as his day job.Anyone do hobby flying?ec

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I do not myself but a good mate has one he keeps at East Winch Aero Club. I go up with him now and again and chase a few clouds. I am up and away in a Puma this coming Thursday so hope to get a few good shots in with the camera.

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I find it increasingly more expensive to keep the license current, if the costs keep rising I''ll have to ditch one of the motors but can''t decide between the 599 or the Pagani, I love them both.

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We are talking about aircraft and you are twittering on about your matchbox toy car collection. Off topic SDP please remove[:(]

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During my very brief military career in the school CCF, there was an option to join the air cadets. Not many did.They had a small glider ,a bit like the Colditz, one that was attached to a bungee type rubber band. 1 guy flew and the rest hauled the band across a playing field. Eventually the plane was released.About 10 foot up and a 20 foot flight was about the record. Seemed like hard work to me!.I thought Paganis were Italian street snacks. You must be the one Joanna who phoned the emergency services..."Is that 999, help! my 599 won''t fly"ec

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[quote user="SHRIMPER"]We are talking about aircraft and you are twittering on about your matchbox toy car collection. Off topic SDP please remove[:(]

How can a truthful statement about my pilot''s license (gained in South Africa in 1992) be considered ''off-topic''? And why so jealous of my motors? Is it because these two are in your drive?

[URL=http://www.imagebam.com/image/a9ae36146177211][IMG]http://thumbnails52.imagebam.com/14618/a9ae36146177211.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://www.imagebam.com/image/f764cd146177216][IMG]http://thumbnails44.imagebam.com/14618/f764cd146177216.jpg[/IMG][/URL]


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My original post was quite well meant. I certainly don''t think I had the courage or aptitude to chase clouds.Going round the "work under construction" hangers at Duxford gives you a hint.There is very little there.   Airbags,toilets,a G&T . Depardieu would have been in trouble.There is a hanger at the far end of Swanton Morley that is occupied by enthusiasts. Full of Stearmans being rebuilt.They used to hold an airshow for family and friends but a fatality happened. There are only the few microlights these days. What must be the cost of insurance? And I guess a full medical too. Most of Norfolk drivers would be off the road in a jiffy.ec

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Paganini played the violin , but does anyone really believe Mother Grey owns expensive cars ?I am reminded of multi-identity man Norton , who claimed on the old Archant EEN forum to be a successful business man , fluent in French , own an arsenal of expensive hand guns , to be a brilliant wild life photographer etc etc.  All very odd , i wonder if by any chance they are related ?

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Well slightly drifting through the clouds here. Panini never played the "Devils instrument".I have by my side a copy of Guy De Maupassant''s "Contes et Nouvelles" bought in Oran in 1968.Oh boy was I Naff. I could read French but was too English to speak it. So we are all part of life.ec

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[quote user="CUTHBERT.J.TWILLIE"]Paganini played the violin , but does anyone really believe Mother Grey owns expensive cars ?

Post your address, I''ll do a "drive by".

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[quote user="CUTHBERT.J.TWILLIE"]Paganini played the violin , but does anyone really believe Mother Grey owns expensive cars ?[/quote]




Would it be unwise to presume that this resembles his/her present mode of transport?

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[quote user="Thors Binoculars"]

[quote user="CUTHBERT.J.TWILLIE"]Paganini played the violin , but does anyone really believe Mother Grey owns expensive cars ?[/quote]




Would it be unwise to presume that this resembles his/her present mode of transport?


Spot on kiddo. Now you need to get back to the ward, CJD needs to rest his fat butt somewhere.

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Oh deary me. Good gag Thor, proves the point you can take an a$$ out of a donkey.maybe not the other way round.There was I thinking it would be an interesting thread!ec

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[quote user="hexem"]Oh deary me. Good gag Thor,
proves the point you can take an a$$ out of a donkey.
maybe not the other way round.

There was I thinking it would be an interesting thread!

More pointless bickering i''m afraid Chri..er..hexem[;)]

Yes i would love to have learnt to fly.But it is soo expensive and once you have got your license don''t you have to do so many hours a year? One day i will be wealthy enough!

Best ever plane.The Mosquito.Built up the road and such a beauty,for something so deadly!

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Well the red prancing pony certainly has 2 more exhaust tubes than mine. But hey!It''s parked outside Carla Lanes holiday villa. Note the double logo. (Telegraph readers may remember the story)A double mac and chips please, (often not obligatory to add "please" these days).Does this car have a chip holder?.Cars are too complicated , it took 36 hours to reset the cpu some years ago outside Norwich.Just to be self deprecating mine has pop outs everywhere. And a ski bag contraption in the back.Would you believe there is a sign on the cup holder that has a wine glass with a cross through it.Enough is enough. Back to flying as a hobby.... I guess it is expensive, and unless you are really keen not a regular jaunt like gliding.ec

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[quote user="Joanna Grey"]

[quote user="CUTHBERT.J.TWILLIE"]Paganini played the violin , but does anyone really believe Mother Grey owns expensive cars ?[/quote]

Post your address, I''ll do a "drive by".

[/quote]c/o  The Kaffir''s RestWhite Woman LaneThe White Cliffs of DoverWhiteneyHoustonEDL 666

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Hi Herman.I twigged there was a local link after you got to see the Fine Arts Exhibition,before I did.Don''t think it matters if we ramble on this thread. Went to the exhibition with my widowed neighbour. You mentioned a few reasonably priced drawings.She asked me what painting I liked. I had forgotten my specs so couldn''t read the blurb.Anyway I pointed to the one at the bottom of the stairs. "Dieppe corner scene in sunlight." Gorgeous.Bl+++dy hell...... (Chr)....Hexem you have taste. That''s the most expensive one here! £220,000.00.Dipping back to aero matters. The Mosquito was assembled in the furniture factories of Hackney and areas east.In fact the Wrighton factory that made kitchens later that century were major builders. The first kitchen in my present home was Wrighton.1969 I installed it. I have since done an IKEA one. But my bones won''t let me try again!ec

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[quote user="Herman "]

Best ever plane.The Mosquito.Built up the road and such a beauty,for something so deadly!


One of my favourites of all time (633 Squadron has a lot to answer for) but there is no way that it is the best plane ever.

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Rather than debate the merits of kitchens and mosquito''sThe Airfix Beaufighter had a certain brutish charm. Not so, if you were in a submarine.ec.

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I have always liked the American Mustang for the sound that it makes. I was into all the old stuff at one time but got more and more into heavy jets and fighters. The English Electric Lightning, the Vulcan, Victor, B52s and the F18 are some of my favorites. One of my sons is in the RAF and is a "Sootie" on the Eurofighter at the moment, nice looking plane but not one of my favories. I saw the Concord and the Blackbird flying in formation at RAF Mildenhall a few years ago and it was a great sight, blue sky and one black and one white, superb.I have liked this picture of an F18 for some time now.[IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/EWW1/EDP/f18.jpg[/IMG]

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[quote user="SHRIMPER"]I have always liked the American Mustang for the sound that it makes. [/quote]

That Packard engine note is not unlike that of the Spitfire or Hurricane. I''m sure that it was a secret ploy to confuse the germans by making all our fighters sound the same. [:P]

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Interesting about the Mustang. Went to an American day at Duxford a few years back. A bit lacklustre from the USAF.However the F.86 display was superb. Amazing day. I was standing filming and a bloke tapped me on the shoulder and said could you move forward a bit,I looked round and there was the jet heading for the  hanger. Just yards away. I filmed the Mustang to prove my elder bro''s theory that they had modified the wings to create the descending screamas they took on ground targets. Intimidation.ec

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[quote user="Joanna Grey"][quote user="Herman "]

Best ever plane.The Mosquito.Built up the road and such a beauty,for something so deadly!


One of my favourites of all time (633 Squadron has a lot to answer for) but there is no way that it is the best plane ever.


Not technically but aesthetically in my opinion![Y]

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[quote user="Herman "][quote user="Joanna Grey"][quote user="Herman "]

Best ever plane.The Mosquito.Built up the road and such a beauty,for something so deadly!


One of my favourites of all time (633 Squadron has a lot to answer for) but there is no way that it is the best plane ever.


Not technically but aesthetically in my opinion![Y]


The only thing that spoils it is the disparity between the wing''s leading edge inboard and outboard of the engine nacelles. But that''s just me being picky.

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[quote user="hexem"] I filmed the Mustang to prove my elder bro''s theory that they had modified the wings to create the descending scream
as they took on ground targets. Intimidation.

They fitted the Stuka with a wind driven siren which activated during a dive but I find it extremely hard to believe that the Mustang''s wing was redesigned just to make a scary noise.

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Well as Joanna Grey and Shrimper are the only ones to take to the clouds. May I suggest a different topic name.It seems there is a smattering of interest.I liked the Sea Fury.hex

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Crikey Herman,this is out of my league too.  The Mustang flies normally at a height,but when it dives ...it screams.Perhaps just an engine change noise but it is pretty loud. Maybe not as loud as the Stuka. but that was designed that way.hex.

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I do have a video of that display some years ago, My brother is an avid reader of aircraft magazines,He wanted to see the F.86 Sabre and hear the Mustang''s shreek. It is certainly there on my video."Memphis Belle" flew for the first time after work. They thew out smoke from an engine just to entertain!.What a day ...I hope I don''t offend anybody, but there were more Hill-billys there than in Louisiana!hex

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