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Saint Canary

The Process Of Elimination

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Fleming Mackay

Fleming Charlton

Fleming Doc

Fleming Shackell

Fleming Davenport

These are the central defensive pairings we have tried in the last 18 months. Malky was deemed not good enough and sold.  Charlton was dropped.  The Doc was dropped.  I expect Shackell to now be dropped and I suspect if we keep conceding goals Davenport will also be dropped. 

All through last season and now into this one we have leaked goals.  Now by the simple process of elimination, surely we have to try a partnership that does not involve Fleming?  Probably not, after all he "trains well". 

I am holiday in November and I will be paying a visit to Colney because I would love to see what he does in training that is so great.  Does he score overhead kicks from 45 yards?

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[quote]Fleming Mackay Fleming Charlton Fleming Doc Fleming Shackell Fleming Davenport These are the central defensive pairings we have tried in the last 18 months. Malky was deemed not good enough and s...[/quote]

You can add Ian Pearce to that list but he had the sense to stay put before he got the chance to partner Fleming and then be dropped.

Let us hope that if Worthy goes he takes his fantastic captain with him.

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