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Delia, When Do I Start??

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Everything posted by Delia, When Do I Start??

  1. norwich to go down!! £10 each! at 10/1=£100 a person 25000 X 100 = 2,500,000 to give to the club!
  2. in our champoinship winnng season we had a solid core to the team green malky  flemming holt  francis svensson mckenzie   now what do we have?? marshall doc  ___________ clingan ________ cort____________   were missing 3 pieces to the jigsaw and if clingan goes in the summer then it will be 4!!
  3. is there a ''huckerby'' like fans favourite anymore, or it there a handful of players that are popular?? I like the doc!
  4. well done in your 1st trasfer window gunn!! mcdonald!! cant wait!! gow!!! cant wait!!!  
  5. why not support them! there the pride of east anglia in the FU CUP
  6. how would you imagine him to look?     no nasty comments!
  7. just got back from london(where i work) and was sitting on the underground, where i overheard a grop of 40-50year olds discussing that arsenal are looking to loan some of their reserve squad to lower divisions to gain experiance for next season. Arsene Wenger has always been linked with us and sending out his loan players to us, so i have a gut feeling that they may be on their way. Crook will keep them playing the fantastic football that they do at arsenal and AW would love that.
  8. sell some of the players whi never play!   -lappin,  
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