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Derby Canary

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Everything posted by Derby Canary

  1. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Derby Canary"][quote user="hogesar"]Why would someone respond constructively to your regularly deconstructive posts?[/quote] The whole problem is Hogesar you (and your like with a blinkered view) regard anything that does not back the ''regime'' as ''destructive''. As I have said previously the proof of the pudding etc so let results/performances be our judge and discuss again in 10 games. I''ll return to you again then for a review if you have stomach for it![/quote]Ah I see, so i''m blinkered but you can obviously see everything thats going on due to your incredible footballing nouse and ability beyond that of most Premier League managers, let alone the small fish in the championship.I suggest you concentrate on ''Frank Lampards Derby''. You''re much better suited to a team that spends millions upon millions every single season and still manages to f*ck it up every single time.[/quote] As I said hogesar let''s review 29th Sept (10 games)!
  2. [quote user="hogesar"]Why would someone respond constructively to your regularly deconstructive posts?[/quote] The whole problem is Hogesar you (and your like with a blinkered view) regard anything that does not back the ''regime'' as ''destructive''. As I have said previously the proof of the pudding etc so let results/performances be our judge and discuss again in 10 games. I''ll return to you again then for a review if you have stomach for it!
  3. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Jim Bell"]Why are people always so beastly towards Derby He always has a sensible view point Engage in constructive debate rather than personal attacks[/quote]It strikes me that Derby is likely the real-life ''Jim''.[/quote] Sorry to disappoint you guys, "Jim Bell" is not me in disguise. He is merely a decent bloke willing to consider an alternative point of view. Your insults etc are no bother to me although occasionally and as an alternative it might be refreshing to hear some constructive responses to the points raised.
  4. [quote user="hogesar"]Uhhh... f*ck off and watch Derby full time?[/quote] Should n''t you be at school hogesar so that you can construct your own sentences?
  5. I watched the Derby/Wolves game on Saturday to see what changes Frank Lampard had made to a team with a poor attitude in the short time he has been there. Young, intelligent manager with excellent connections in the game that he has put to good use with some very positive recruits already. The team exhibited the attitude and ''shape'' that I referred to in my original post. Before you tell me to **** off and watch Derby full time, (that bothers me little) I am no more a Rams fan than I am a ''Tractor Troll''. Merely a long term follower of my home town Club with deep concerns about its inevitable demise under an incapable leadership. If you want further evidence of our problems just listen to Farke in the latest video praising his newly appointed captain. I assume he and the other four potentials that were on display on Saturday (or Farke) could do anything about the ''we only have to turn up'' attitude that was apparently exhibited, nor the continued inconsistency that is such a part of our performances in recent times.Sadly both Leitner and Trybull (two that we were so ''optimistic'' about!) put in the kind of performance that suggested that last year was about playing for contracts. I ''have the feeling'' that it will be more of the same again this year!
  6. Whatever you say about the pros/cons of preseason friendlies the object is not to go all out and risk the kind of long term injuries that we incurred last year. However the real purpose is to ''gel'' the new ''intake'' and test the shape etc the team intends to employ. Does not sound as though there was a lot of that going on on Sat: http://norwichcity.myfootballwriter.com/2018/07/29/a-non-descriptive-80-minutes-followed-by-a-late-encouraging-flurry-but-two-big-questions-remain-unanswered/ Is it still felt that my pessimism regarding our owners/management committee remains misplaced? I am sure you will let me know although you might wish to give it the previously mentioned 10 games!
  7. [quote user="Herman"]Are you the same Derby Canary that goes on Michael Bailey''s Matchday Live reports? (I saw Baldyboy was there today. I miss him[:D])[/quote] No.
  8. Impressed by the way DF dismisses that it is in any way his responsibility to ''set the mood'' with his players for games. As Shankly (a master of mindsets with his players)would have said the game is often lost or won before the players leave the dressing room for the game. It would be irresponsible, of course, of me to refer to these two Managers in the same breathe. Daniel Farke still has so much to learn about the responsibilities/accountability of Managers in this League!
  9. [quote user="rock bus"]Really not bothered about this and hope the moaners don’t start. Most players priority on final pre season game is not to get injured! I’m still excited about what this season may offer.[/quote] Clearly does n''t take much to ''excite'' you lads in East Anglia! As I said before lets see how ''excited'' we all feel after around 10 games!
  10. [quote user="CANARYKING"]What did you expect him to say “ Remi you’re a rubbish keeper, buggor off “[/quote] Sometimes CANARYKING being frank and of course honest is all part and parcel of the most successful Manager''s job! Although put in a marginally more eloquent style than your attempt. How do you think Messrs Clough,Ferguson,Revie and even Shankly went about it.........not by pussyfooting I assure you!
  11. [quote user="keelansgrandad"]Well done DF. As a coach, goalkeeper is probably the only position he would find difficulty in judging. No doubt he has seen himself and had to make a decision quickly as I think we all believed Remi was going to be the number one. A loan must be the way to restore his confidence.[/quote] No room for pussyfooting in this game/league. Decent as the lad is may as well be honest. If the pressure is too much in friendlies/preseason at aged 24 one more season out on loan will make little difference. He received lots of plaudits from his Ln Manager last year which should have set him up for this year. Probably best for all concerned for him to look to his future at a lower level.
  12. Daniel Farke''s five minutes of bullshitting to explain that Remi is not up to the job; http://www.pinkun.com/norwich-city/canaries-farke-matthews-talks-after-krul-signing-1-5625587 Hope he is a tad briefer and a hell of a lot more direct in his message to players!
  13. The present reminds me a little of the season following our relegation to L1. We all were glad to see the back of the previous awful season and approached the new season with some optimism after a decent preseason. We all know what happened next. Let''s hope that it does not take a change of Manager this time to reproduce the eventual success of that year.
  14. http://norwichcity.myfootballwriter.com/2018/07/02/four-in-the-house-but-the-keeper-situation-still-needs-resolving/
  15. "So on to the Finnish guy. I’ve got several Celtic mates and one of them, James, tells me he was an absolute pair of Y-fronts at Parkhead" Encouraging!
  16. [quote user="dylanisabaddog"][quote user="keelansgrandad"]Brondby kept him for four years. Scored 10 first year, 13 in second year, 25 in third year, 17 goals last year. Looks like a pretty good record, wouldn''t you say? It does look good to me. But I have mentioned on another post that it is strange that we are saying we have little money and must be careful, but can attract an apparently in form striker who can''t agree a new deal with arguably the best club in Denmark.[/quote] Unfortunately the best club in Denmark is League 1 standard at best and probably closer to League 2. Have a look at the 6 minute YouTube clip of his 2016/17 goals. The standard of defending is non league standard. Asking someone who is used to that standard to start against Birmingham away and WBA at home is a leap too far. Hopefully he''s back up for someone who has yet to arrive.[/quote] The ''management committee'' have been successful in one area. ie convincing us that surviving in the Championship next season represents progress! Oh how attitudes have changed at our Club in a few short years.Was it really only just over a season ago we were beating Reading 7-1? We effectively sacked that manager. Look at the progress we have made since then (lol)!!!
  17. [quote user="lake district canary"][quote user="Derby Canary"]Pukki has been far from a consistent performer even at a lower level then the Championship.[/quote]Pukki has improved year on year and has been a consistent performer/goal scorer since 2010, even at Celtic where he managed 7 goals in 26 matches - and is approaching his peak at 27. It would be a surprise if he doesn''t do well. [/quote] You say ''even at Celtic'' LDC but we know from past experience what the ''quality'' of the opposition would have been like. The fact is that few Clubs have been overkeen to retain him...but we shall see. His record appears to be start well then fades!
  18. [quote user="Herman"]I''m calm. It helps being realistic. We are slowly building a new squad and are 3/4 to 4/5s on the way to having a full unit and due to financial constraints we are being wiser and more careful in our purchases. Whether these click and whether Farke can progress, (now that he has a had a year of English experience you''d hope he can), we will have to wait to find out.[/quote] I hope that you are right Herman (ie that we are being wiser in our purchasers). The drain on our resources of late has come from longish contracts to the wrong people and Pukki has been far from a consistent performer even at a lower level then the Championship. The proof of the pudding etc................
  19. Interesting read Dave Freezer''s article on Teemu Pukki. Does n''t fill me full of confidence when I hear that the Scottish League was a little too much for him. Our fans enthusiasm over the signings reminds me a little of the ridiculous optimism following our ''success'' against Panama and Tunisia. Still always nice to dream and let us pray that it all works out. Suggest that we are far from there yet and everything depends on Webber''s success in attracting that elusive goalscorer.
  20. [quote user="Mr Benn"]"We" ?you lot at poorman road will have to make do with cast offs from Wimbledon and ColchesterLet''s just hope Evans isn''t in asset stripping mode, or Waghorn and your keeper will be flogged off[/quote] Should n''t you be at school. Looks like you need it!
  21. Persistence does occasionally pay off eg Steven Naismith! We chased him for a number of ''windows''!
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