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nutty nigel

Help needed in the new year

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It''s probably going to go quiet on here for a week now so I''m going to take this opportunity to appeal for posters to help me spend someone elses money!


Back in the summer an anonymous benefactor sent me over £200 to finance a bet on the Saturday Norwich fixtures throughout the season from which all the proceeds go to the Community Sports Foundation. This happens on the Rays Funds thread which goes up on the Wednesday of each week. Posters make suggestions about what they think will happen. These can be any of a multitude of options including result, correct score, goal scorers, goal times, HT/FT scores etc. Most of you will have seen these coupons either at the ground or online so will know what I mean.


This bet isn''t for us old dinosaurs who have been posting on there for years. It''s for the new people who join each season and those who don''t get to pick for the main bet over the 40 weeks. That was one of the reasons our benefactor funded this bet. Now I''d love more of you to help us with your suggestions throughout the season but I know it''s not everyone''s cup of tea. But if you could spare the time to join us for one week you could spend that money for us by choosing six of the suggestions on that week''s thread.


So what do you think? It''s free. It''s fun. You''ve got nothing to lose. And CSF disability sports has plenty to gain. Most people who have joined love it and come back for more!



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