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paul simons

delia smith ringtone

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Has anyone heard the ringtone of the scooby doo theme tune with delia smith shouting "where are you" over the top. It is hilarious but i have searched the internet and cannot find it anywhere. a friend of mine played it too me but i dont have a bluetooth phone so could not receive it.
Can anyone help?

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[quote]Has anyone heard the ringtone of the scooby doo theme tune with delia smith shouting "where are you" over the top. It is hilarious but i have searched the internet and cannot find it anywhere. a frien...[/quote]

I heard one on Five Live shortly after where it had been mixed with Who Are You by The Who... they said it was a comic relief thing, and to text this number to download, blah blah blah... I did everything they said and got squit all!

I''m now looking on Limewire and think I may have found it... just typed in Delia Smith and ran a search!

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