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Diversionary yactic.

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Sometimes when watching a live stream and we are losing I switch it off about twenty minutes from the end because the tension is  growing inside me and because in some strange way I feel that there could be some nice surprise in store when I switch on the final results at five O''clock. 


I am beginning to feel the same way about this transfer window. Unable to take the on-going stressfulness of it all ([;)]) I now feel inclined to switch off all sports news and refrain from visiting all forums until Friday morning. Then, like opening Christmas presents as a youngster ..... will there be a surprise in store?


I, and perhaps some others, need a diversionary tactic.


What better then than to turn attentions to our beloved rivals down the road.


Whilst we are deliberating (and with seriousness) £10m transfers from Portugal, they are currently getting excited about the £100, 000 acqisition of a journeyman player from Colchester United. Whilst we aspire to a Van Winkel they are settling for a Wordsworth.


I feel can cope better now.

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