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Travelling by Train?

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As I have been travelling to away games for a couple of years now I have learnt how bad that Club Canary is so my question to the people who travel from Norwich to away games by train is do you manage to get cheaper prices than the amount that is displayed on the internet?

If so by how much?


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Buying advance tickets is cheaper but that commits you to travelling on a certain date/time so booking can only be done when Sky have had their say with the fixtures. Group Save is another good deal that’s 4 for 2 or 3 for 2 on certain routes. Journey splitting which means several cheaper tickets used for a longer journey but the train MUST STOP at where the tickets split.

Look out for offers and emails so get yourself on the mail lists of the train companies and follow them on twitter.

This site is should be book-marked as well.


Good luck!

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