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How many times are we mystified about certain managerial decisions such as team selections, substitutions, transfer talk etc. etc. ?  I wonder if some approach could be made to the Club to ask if a system of feedback could be introduced whereby the Manager or a member of his management team, could come on to the message boards each week and explain the reasons why certain decisions are made.  I am not suggesting that all the things that go on behind the scenes at the Football Club should be made public knowledge but there is always a lot of speculation about certain decisions on these boards which I am sure could be cleared up by a simple explanation. I think it would be a valuable PR exercise and also provide all of us wannabe managers much food for thought.

Perhaps the web team could float the idea.  Any support for this suggestion?



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Neil Doncaster did come on the EDP site on the day they got permission for the South Stand. He answered questions for an hour or so.

Now I understand the club would prefer to have that sort of thing on its own site . . .

On the other hand if there are specific questions, we can always ask for a reponse.


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A great idea that really works.

I used to work for a major energy company where similar parallels existed - staff puzzled, concerned, interested, curious etc in various aspects of the company''s performance and ambitions.

The solution adopted there - similar to what is being suggested here - worked extremely well.

Every fortnight or so, an interactive message board was operated with electronic questions/e mails submitted on an open access basis to a senior director. The message board was open for an hour and he/she would respond on-line to all points raised in that session. Any staff interested could participate, ask questions or just view what was emerging. And the whole session was then stored on the website for the record making it accessible for latecomers or those busy at the time.

Obviously some questions were unanswerable or confidential - but many weren''t. It certainly improved employee/management relations because of the spirit of openness and accessibility.

This proposal could use this proven path. A director of the club - or any official - or even player - could take the session. Some questions again won''t be capable of being answered but many will. Run it at a regular time and interest will snowball.

Technology makes this highly possible. Web team - why not approach the club.

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[quote]A great idea that really works. I used to work for a major energy company where similar parallels existed - staff puzzled, concerned, interested, curious etc in various aspects of the company''s perfo...[/quote]

I also have existing "similar parallels" Mr Twigge...

I am sooooooooooo glad, that I''m not the only one from "outer space" here... not many people realise that Einstein was actually a Klingon...

In your "similar parallels", Do you look like Brad Pitt too and NCFC win the premiership??


more to the point:

Forum interaction with board members sounds great, but i reckon it''s better they come on here, no offence to the club and there site, but their message board is a bit boring better to have them come on board here and have some fun!! Perhaps then, Mr "Doomcaster" might brighten up a little bit and be optimistic for once...

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Hi CeliaThere is obvious interest in the suggestion so on behalf of us, will the web team make some approach to the Club please?I am sure we would all appreciate information straight from the horses mouth instead of the usual rumour mill stuff! Agree with NC, better for them to come on to a proper site!OTBC

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