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James Kent

Cash needs to be spent this is a great chance

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I agree with a lot of what people have been saying.  This is a poor premiership on another year we could well be bottom of the league.  The board must see that this is a great opportunity to estiblish ourselves. 

We saw a great opportunity last year and invested what we needed to, to make sure we were to stay top.  We saw added firepower in Leon, Svensson and Hucks.  This year its not all that different we have a real chance of staying in this league if we invest

Nigel, usually gets his way so I hope that continues.  We have to invest, purely and simply unless the performances go up 150% the current squad will not survive.  If the fiances are as desperate as the board make out, our best option is to sell green.  Then nigel can bring in what he needs and we will stay in this league.

Heres to the future and I for one will be off to portsmouth tomorrow.  I remain confident we will strengthen in the transfer window, not to would be nothing short of suicidal.


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