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Why just accept it?

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We were promised new heroes,we got told investment was on its way,yet here we sit near the bottom of the table with no money, nine loan players and the only heroes are the fans who travel away to watch ANOTHER pi** poor performance, but what shocks me is that some fans still think we are a force to be reckoned with and that the team is not in trouble, just keep burying your head in the sand and when you pop it out next this club will be just a memory. We need investment we all can see that but honestly i don''t believe that the current board will ever allow that while so many are happy to just plod along. Yes, i know this has all been said before but after watching the pathetic effort yesterday i''m just totally fed up again this morning and needed to have my say. To have an opinion that tells the truth does not make you less of a fan than some one who ignores whats going on infront of there eyes, and some of the arguing and name calling between fans on forums like this just shows that this club is tearing itself apart, we have all got to start pulling in the same direction and stop living in the past and before to long surely every fan will come to realize that change is needed and needed soon because if we continue the way we are then in a few years there will be no club to support.As much as i hate to say it the club is being run on lies and false promises and so many are happy to accept it, so maybe as my old Nan would say "you get what you deserve".

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