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John Boubepo

Wages - The World Wide Problem

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I know I''m stating the obvious here but it seems all clubs not just in England but throughout Europe and indeed the entire World are experiencing huge financial difficulties.
In fact you could probably count on one hand, how many clubs in Europe are not actually in the red right now.

The reason - PLAYERS WAGES!! - we all know it but nothing is ever done about it, In fact not only do we all choose to ignore it but seem happy to keep on feeding it, ie, - how many people who were more than happy to help pay Huckerby''s 20k per WEEK wage are on less than 20k per YEAR themselves?

OK so he''s good at his job, like all professional footballers but I''m good at my job, probably most people on this board are good at there jobs too but players wages have got out of hand, totally.

Realistically how much is a person worth who is good at football? why is a player like Huckerby who can''t get a game in the Prem. earning 10 times more than a Doctor?I think it''s time all clubs World Wide woke up and accept all their problems are 100% down to extortionate players wages.
I personally think it''s time to re-evaluate the whole situation and not only cap players wages but also cap the size of squads.

ie. In the Premiership and in top leagues throughout the World a limit of 30 senior players per club on a wage between 5 - 7k per week max. [a senior player - being a player who has 20 full games at top level under his belt]
In Div1 a limit of 28 senior players and wage limit of 3 - 5k per week etc,etc.

I know to some this may all sound ridiculous, but if you stop to think for a while is it!! or is it more ridiculous that a club will pay a player 1 million plus per season to play in their reserves or sit on the bench while the club slowly but surely goes to the wall.

At the end of the day the big clubs will still get the best payers but a limited number, not only would this stop clubs suffering huge financial debts but it would also stop clubs stock piling good players in their reserve team.

The end result - players like Huckerby/Crouch wouldn''t be sitting at home every Saturday afternoon in Manchester or Villa but playing for teams like Norwich,they would be earning 3 -5k per week [very respectable for a kid kicking a bag of wind around] the cost of buying a player would be a fraction of what it is right now, clubs would make profits, even small clubs, and the best bit, we as punters would pay perhaps £7 per game!!

Am I being unrealistic or perhaps idealistic, or is this the way ahead?

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