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The Lord

barclay need to taunt the river end

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this always works a chant like ''no noise from the river end'' or ''sing up the river end'' alwys encourage s fans to say something back this then gets people use to singing and join in with other songs. take the example of the south stand (new stand?!) there is a section right next to the away fans that are beginning to sing.

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I sit in the Riverend and there are one or two of us trying to get a few songs going. Yesterday I noticed that others were joining in the clapping bits but I don''t things they know the words!!!! ( That includes "come on you Yellows"!!)

If anybody sits near me they will know because of the two Ronnies who are always asking the ref to book Huckerby for diving if he goes down and no free kick is given and generally winge at the Ref all the way through the game (W@**ers) - no ther are not Crisp manufacturers. This makes getting songs going a little difficult.

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