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Before you say "I told you so"....

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No doubt there will be those on here today saying Grant was right to voice his comments about fans being a disgrace since we were louder last night and I''m sure it will be argued that we contributed to the victory (I see the Club are already taking that line on the front page)

The gee-ing up the fans/cauldron of noise etc didn''t work for Watford last night despite similar rallying calls frm Boothroyd to the "Yellow Army". This is an email sent out to fans:

"Hi everyone

YOU can win it for us!

You all know me well enough by now to know that if I''ve got something to say I will say it! We find ourselves coming into a period of games that are absolutely crucial for us to get to where we want to be in this league. My staff and players will be giving everything possible to start turning our positive performances into winning ones to push us into the top ten of this division.

My challenge now is to the other half of the team - YOU! What are you going to do to make sure we come off the pitch at the end of the game tomorrow night knowing that there was nothing more you could have done to support YOUR team over the 90 minutes?

To date, the backing at home and away games has been very good, but just as I say to my players, I want more - lots more. I don''t just want it, I demand it!

Get to the ground and take your seats as early as you possibly can and start the noise. Make it so loud that we can hear you in the dressing rooms - I can''t tell you enough what the feeling was like when we walked onto the pitch ahead of our second leg Play-Off game with Crystal Palace - it was electric and the players were so pumped up that no-one was going to get the better of us. You made that.

We are the YELLOW ARMY, so let''s hear all about it - not in short bursts but for 90 MINUTES. Stick to the rules, but make this place rock for every minute of the match.

I''ve asked recently for you to bring what you can to make noise - we are handing out some horns and tambourines to help with that tomorrow - if you get one, keep it with you and bring it back every week. This isn''t just about tomorrow, it''s about EVERY game we play here.

I want noise - break the sound barrier. For every game I want people dressing up, I want balloons, people waving flags - just make this place bounce. Any team coming here will leave knowing they''ve been to Watford on the pitch, make sure they do off it.

If someone next to you isn''t joining in with the singing, could you please have a quiet word on my behalf! There will be a slight change in the build up to the team coming out from tomorrow. Traditionally, Z-Cars has heralded the teams arrival on the pitch but I want you to do that instead. If we can hear Yellow Army being chanted while waiting to come out that will not only inspire us but will also alert the opposition that they are in for a tough ride on and off the pitch. We have to use every tactic possible to win our matches and I will leave no stone unturned to get us up this league.

I fully appreciate that Z-Cars has a special place for lots of supporters and want to make clear that we are not going to disrespect that - the only difference will be that the playing of Z-Cars now heralds the last bell for any supporters not yet in their seats to make sure that everyone is in full voice when the teams come out.

We''ve all been through a lot to get into this league, so let''s make sure now we are here we show the world what this club is about. Be loud - Be proud!

That''s enough from me - COME ON!"

Watford lost 1-0 at home.

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I''m not going to tell you so, as I didn''t before last night''s game, but I will say that PG''s comments were a passionate reaction to Saturday''s draw.

This email however is tedious and smacks of desparation. I''m afraid you can''t create passion - that is the most pleasing thing about the reaction to PGs comments, both since Saturday and last night.

That''s what I think anyway...

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"we are handing out some horns and tambourines to help..... [8]" - Big Wow!

The Salvation Army do this every December outside Tesco or Jarrolds, but who takes part? Not me! I''d rather finish the Xmas shopping...

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