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Final warning

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Good evening users of the Pink Un messageboard. 

I am saddened that I have been forced to resort to such a drastic and unnecessary measure in response to what is a continued and persistent decline in behavioural standards on this forum. It has drifted on for far too long. 

Since Pete stepped aside, we've tried to adopt a lighter touch in moderation on this platform in the hope that adults could be trusted to be responsible with what they are posting and how they are conversing, treating and behaving with fellow users. Clearly, this is no longer possible due to a minority of users who continue to use this platform unacceptably. 

This should serve as a final warning to everyone on this platform - clean up your act. From here, we will be taking a no-nonsense approach to those who overstep the mark. They will be issued with instant and irreversible bans. We've been very lenient with second, and in some cases, even third warnings. 

Clearly, that isn't having the desired effect. 

As a result, we will be reviewing this platform very carefully in the next few weeks. If nothing changes, we will be left with little choice but to consider it's future viability. This is not a step that we want or should have to take - but the behaviour on here by a minority of users will not be allowed to continue. 

This forum is designed for debate around Norwich City and other topics in the world. It should be a place for contrasting views and opinions - but that should never overstep the mark. At the moment, too often, it is. Some of the posts we are seeing are defamatory, personal and unnecessary. We are all adults. 

Please take a moment to reflect on your individual behaviour and whether it is meeting the standards you would do in everyday society. If anyone suffers this, then please make the moderation team aware and use the report button. We can then take it from there. 

Clean it up or face a ban. That is the situation. We thank those posters and users of the messageboard who are using it as intended. 

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Pink Un Team

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