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nevermind, neoliberalism has had it

new bill to give police, authorities and private security firms sweeping powers

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Marching to the tune of George Orwells 1984, our society is haemorrhaging long won human and personal rights, not to speak democracy were it counts. ''If you got nothing to hide you got nothing to fear'' I hear as the first response to this, a media term threshed to pieces with very little truth behind it. If authorities can bar you from demonstrating in front of County Hall, because you are singing protests songs and or are handing out leaflets promoting more activism, then something is seriously wrong ion England.http://scriptonitedaily.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/the-birth-of-a-police-state-uk-police-to-be-granted-sweeping-new-powers/

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god where''s the new wave of punks when you need em eh. I guess the government is trying to suppress any negative feelings from ''spreading''.

Tories....need I say more

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[quote user="mrs miggins"]god where''s the new wave of punks when you need em eh. I guess the government is trying to suppress any negative feelings from ''spreading''.

Tories....need I say more[/quote]

Not only the Tories ,Zanu-liebour brought in a load of laws ,especially ones allowing council officials to tap phone calls ,and there all so marvelous DNA database ,plus all the cctv cameras ,not to mention CEOs Civil Enforcement Officers ,who will nick you at will

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[quote user="walkern canary"][quote user="mrs miggins"]god where''s the new wave of punks when you need em eh. I guess the government is trying to suppress any negative feelings from ''spreading''.

Tories....need I say more[/quote]

Not only the Tories ,Zanu-liebour brought in a load of laws ,especially ones allowing council officials to tap phone calls ,and there all so marvelous DNA database ,plus all the cctv cameras ,not to mention CEOs Civil Enforcement Officers ,who will nick you at will [/quote]

yes, Walkern, agree about Labour, you can see the control freakery already at NCC, they are all party politicians and no different from each other. I hear that the first Green LAM jenny Jones will get a peerage, for that to come out, she must have accepted it, power eats principles for breakfast it seems. And how far away are we to have the CEOs armed with taser''s, such fun... I think the paparazzi''s have the right idea, we need our own drones and equipment, ideally transmitting it straight to a website, unfiltered unredacted or edited. They are unregulated and should not pose any risks to anyone, I mean if they are doing their jobs right then they have nothing to fear from being observed.... right?http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/paparazzi-use-drones-to-photograph-tina-turner-wedding-in-switzerland-a-914179.html

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