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Norfolk Mustard

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Posts posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. I thought the same; telepathic connection between Rowe & Sargent on that occasion. Looked so straightforward - top performers tend to make things look easy don't they? When he first arrived, I thought Sarge was no more than a League One player, gotta say I'm delighted to see him doing well!

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  2. At the 1-1 game where Max Aarons made his debut I took my (then 13 y/o) with me. Familiar with that area from business trips, we parked near the Ranelagh Road roundabout & walked from the car wearing yellow shirts. No police presence whatsoever on the mile or so walk to the stadium. Comments were getting increasingly spicy from supporters in blue, especially when we walked past home fans queuing to enter at the Sir Bobby Robson end. Still no police presence - not one!

    It was only when we went around the corner we found ourselves 'the wrong side' of the police cordon. They quickly ushered us through to join the away section & we finally felt safe. 

    Tbh, I was naive & misjudged the potential consequences that day. Lesson learned.

  3. I think Knapper is keeping his powder dry; wants to be seen being fair to a senior employee ahead of strategically replacing him. It's likely Norwich's new Sporting Director presented his potential masterplan to Zoe & Co over the course of several interview meetings that took place several months ago.

    He's only two weeks into the job, however the recruitment of a top-quality, results-orientated Head Coach is crucial. It may take time. Either way, I doubt DW will still be here in January...

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  4. 1 hour ago, Yellow Fever said:

    No - I look forward not backwards. Apart from getting a decent deal on selling on if applicable its all water under the bridge and ancient history. I won't wallow in the past. What's team for Watford? Will we progress ?

    I don't share your opinion I'm afraid. Tzolis should be part of NCFC's bright future! It's not a blasé case of water under the bridge, nor 'ancient history'? His contract is current, which places this topic firmly in the 'here & now'. No wallowing involved either. Tzolis is a valuable asset & we should be enjoying far more success with him. 

  5. Presumably the stated objective remains to gain promotion to the Premier League? As @duke63says, given Burnley's recent struggles, it's a pretty daunting prospect!

    By Christmas I envisage new Sporting Director Ben Knapper to have assessed state of play at NCFC and act accordingly. Whether he decides to stick or twist, a lot depends on which potential replacement Head Coaches are available, and when. Either way, I welcome a calm, measured, considered approach from someone who appears to represent a modern thinker in the game...

  6. Ipswich are currently in an automatic promotion slot for the Premier League & understandably high on confidence & belief. However, shipping 3 goals against Blackburn shows their vulnerability. The Championship table shows Ipswich are 61.5% better than Norwich at earning valuable league points. That's scary...

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