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Delia, When Do I Start??

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Everything posted by Delia, When Do I Start??

  1. I''m not his biggest fan at all but i don''t want him out, but why bring on fozzy yesturday ahead of russell?? what does fozzy bring to the team?- good passing? good tackles occasionally.. russell - passion, pride, passing, spirit, battling explain that please Glenn
  2. danny wellback to carrow road ?? he was the 17 year old striker who scored in man utds 4-0 win a few weeks ago! they want to loan him out to get week in week out exp??   should we believe or look beyond?
  3. if you could only sign one of them who would it be?  
  4. not happy with lupoli?? but wait you cant say he has not been given a chance!
  5. [quote user="shyster"]I''m hoping the powers that be at Blackburn look at Roeder for being a one season wonder and offer him a contract until the end of the season.  [;)] [/quote]   JOKING ASIDE  - did it for us and saved us!!
  6. [quote user="Jimmy Bone - Superstar"]Yes we do - we''ve got good ol Adam Dreary. [/quote]   he dont play!! and its drury [:P]
  7. Alan Curby    7/1 Martin Jol     7/1 Avram Grant  8/1 Alan Shearer  9/1 Peter Reid 12/1 GLEN ROEDER 16/1   rank outsides allways get the job [;)]
  8. Who is it??   All of the big teams have a mr Liverpool or Chelsea etc but who is norwich''s?? Obviously Liverpool have 2 stevie G and Jamie C Chelsea have 1 1/2 in Johny T and Franky L   but who is MR NORWICH CITY??  
  9. when will he get support?????? -money -fans backing -the board support ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GLEN ROEDER GIVE HIM TIME
  10. marshall drury clingan doherty semi croft / bell russell patty (left winger needed) (striker needed) (striker needed)   ????????????
  11. narrr cap the managers wage!!!!..           ... and the board at that!!
  12. Who wants to start it off?? I only heard the game on the radio in parts . If you heard the whole game have a guess to give others a rough idea!
  13. he blames the ref because fozzy was pushed before he hand balled it! although neil adams said when he say a replay that fozzy hand balled it and then was pushed!!   IS ROEDER NOW FEELING THE PRESSURE!?
  14. Have we reached a time now when we need the kids to have a game or too and look more at the future ?? I bet we will be defo save and roeder will still play the older boys instead of chucking in the young kids and see what they are like!!!
  15. if all of the squad is fit who do you play? team vs ipswich?(lupoli for lita) team vs watford?(lupoli for lita) hoolahan back in the squad? russell / patty / clingan in midfield?????
  16. He is now the manager of ''huddy'' who are in league 1, so he will be able to see young talent and pass this information onto glen! Its a good time to move too because xmas is coming so he will play a lot of games during that time and will be able to see more players!
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