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Matt Morriss

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Everything posted by Matt Morriss

  1. [quote user="morty"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="morty"]Why does this always happen to you Matt, theres a question you maybe need to ask yourself.[/quote] No questions needed Morty. I know the answer. Its because knobheads like you and Hoola sabotage my threads with your childishness goading every time I post. Next pointless comment.[/quote]Could you be the problem?Y''know, instead of it being everyone else?[/quote] Explain how im the problem Morty. And how about you actually respond to what i say rather than vomiting yet another pointless comment. I have said you two sabotage my threads with your childish goading, i then have a go at you for it, understandably. Go on, reply to that and justify why you do it.
  2. [quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="morty"]Why does this always happen to you Matt, theres a question you maybe need to ask yourself.[/quote] No questions needed Morty. I know the answer. Its because knobheads like you and Hoola sabotage my threads with your childishness goading every time I post. Next pointless comment.[/quote] *childishness and goading
  3. [quote user="morty"]Why does this always happen to you Matt, theres a question you maybe need to ask yourself.[/quote] No questions needed Morty. I know the answer. Its because knobheads like you and Hoola sabotage my threads with your childishness goading every time I post. Next pointless comment.
  4. [quote user="Mr Angry"]In your OP you stated several times that Jerome and Naismith are proven not to score goals. This season Jerome has scored 6 (and 4 assists) and Naismith has scored 3, mainly from the bench. Discuss.[/quote] Good point. I was referring more to last season and Naismith and Jerome on the whole. They dont instill me with confidence they will get goals and id have rather had Wes and Oliveira or Jerome and Oliveria.
  5. [quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]Its my own fault really. I actually expect to engage with intelligent adults who want a serious debate on NCFC. But the fact is Morty, Hoola, Hogesar, Wolf, your all f£$%^&* children. Its so tiresome and childish. Good fun tho.[/quote]You''re a prat, Matt. If you can be bothered, check out my post history and realise that the vast majority of my posts are fair and balanced, and I''m perfectly capable of intelligent, reasoned debate. If you treated posters with a little more respect rather than just telling them how much more intelligent than them you are (despite your worrying issues with rudimentary grammar), you might get the reasoned debate you allegedly crave. Admit it, you just love arguing- it''s just a shame you aren''t very good at it.Anyway, I''ll leave you to it now. I strongly encourage you to keep posting, so I have some more amusement when I get back home later.[/quote] Utter tosh Wolf, id actually have some respect for you if you talked sense. These are the facts. I post a relevant OP. All you have posted is goading and abuse. FACT. You may well have posted reasonable and intelligent contributions on other posts. I have no idea. Im talking about this post and all you have done is jump on Hoola and Mortys bandwagon of goading me. FACT[/quote]I cannot argue with those facts. I am my own man, and I am goading you because you are incredibly rude to people all the time, it has nothing to do with anyone else.If our paths cross on another post, I''ll happily debate with you on any aspect of NCFC if you are prepared to do so without talking down the length of your nose. I''ll leave it there, have a nice day.[/quote] Wolf dont give me that $ hit. The only people i am rude to is you and Morty etc. because im not tolerating your childish goading, which is what all youve done on this post. You''re both f £$%^& idiots and the second you both post your monotonous goading im gonna attack you because thats all you deserve. So if im incredibly rude, its only to you, when you act like an idiot and poke me with a stick. This thread has evidenced that completely. All I have done is verbally attack those who have done nothing but goad. Because i dont tolerate it and you deserve it. And you make out youve done nothing wrong and im just being rude and attacking people who disagree with my post. Utter tosh, i only respond to the goaders.
  6. Ive missed some people off this list, let me think. Tilson, Buh errr there must be more. Maybe we could have a WWF match, 6on1, and raise money for a canary charity.
  7. Seeing as though the above like nothing more than just to goad and abuse me everytime I post I thought maybe we could encapsulate the goading into one long HuckerbysBoots bashing post. A place for the usual suspects to abuse me, so that maybe when I do post it can keep on topic without being ruined by these idiots. So come on guys leave all your cretinous abuse here and lets keep this messageboard clean and fresh for the people! *yes I know this wont work and the next time I post, probably after our next defeat or the next time Bassong drops a clanger, the usual outcome will transpire. Worth a try though. Merry xmas all.
  8. [quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]Its my own fault really. I actually expect to engage with intelligent adults who want a serious debate on NCFC. But the fact is Morty, Hoola, Hogesar, Wolf, your all f£$%^&* children. Its so tiresome and childish. Good fun tho.[/quote]You''re a prat, Matt. If you can be bothered, check out my post history and realise that the vast majority of my posts are fair and balanced, and I''m perfectly capable of intelligent, reasoned debate. If you treated posters with a little more respect rather than just telling them how much more intelligent than them you are (despite your worrying issues with rudimentary grammar), you might get the reasoned debate you allegedly crave. Admit it, you just love arguing- it''s just a shame you aren''t very good at it.Anyway, I''ll leave you to it now. I strongly encourage you to keep posting, so I have some more amusement when I get back home later.[/quote] Utter tosh Wolf, id actually have some respect for you if you talked sense. These are the facts. I post a relevant OP. All you have posted is goading and abuse. FACT. You may well have posted reasonable and intelligent contributions on other posts. I have no idea. Im talking about this post and all you have done is jump on Hoola and Mortys bandwagon of goading me. FACT
  9. [quote user="VanWink"]"Morty comes on message board for a fight" shocker. At least he''s not on here half pissed swinging and missing like usual, or then again.....[/quote] Keyboard warrior Vanwink, keyboard warrior...
  10. [quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Alfie54"][quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Alfie54"]Can I suggest a way forward, if somebody posts something that you think is a re hash orvof no substance, simply ignore it, rather that posting abuse, pointing out grammatical errors or simply saying ''this''.[/quote]Sorry Alfie, but Matt has a history of posting patronising, sanctimonious rubbish and then getting really aggressive with anyone who disagrees. Even though there was nothing wrong with his OP per se, he has used up any outstanding goodwill from the vast majority of posters on here.Oh, and he does a mean podcast [:D][/quote] So why bother to reply?[/quote]Because it''s fun to watch him fail so hard. I have plenty of really good debate on this site with a large number of intelligent, reasonable people - you seem to be one of those, so good on you. Calling out aggressive morons is just a bit of fun on the side [:)][/quote] Yes Wolf im the moron. I post a relevant and topical thread. You post nothing but childish goading abuse, but yes, im the moron.
  11. Its my own fault really. I actually expect to engage with intelligent adults who want a serious debate on NCFC. But the fact is Morty, Hoola, Hogesar, Wolf, your all f£$%^&* children. Its so tiresome and childish. Good fun tho.
  12. God this is fun, i feel so alive. I really should post more often.
  13. [quote user="morty"]All these folks with the same opinion about you, can''t just be coincidence....[/quote] ''All these folks'' = Morty, Hoola, Wolf hmmmmmmm
  14. [quote user="morty"]Forum bell agrees with other forum bell.[:D][/quote] You talking about yourself and Hoola Morty? Spot on bud.
  15. [quote user="lincoln canary"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="morty"]Brilliant[:D]It is kinda relevant though when Tilson actually called you out, and you didn''t even turn up lol.[/quote] Not really Morty because i did the same thing, said id be at the program sellers hut outside the NandP, after that, which i was for 45 mins and no one turned up so its swings and roundabouts.[/quote] Why respond to him? Why would anyone respond to him? He isn''t looking to have a reasoned football debate so just ignore him![/quote] I know Lincoln, i just cant help myself. Its like that scene from American Psycho when Patrick Bateman abuses the homeless guy and then stabs him. I just like to engage with idiots of a lower intelligence than me. Makes me feel better about myself :)
  16. [quote user="morty"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="Alfie54"]When Howson scored last night I said to my wife if Jerome had headed the ball as well as that last season we''d still be in the Premier league. I can now see him starting ahead of Oliveira in the next match, also so depressing. Hucks, it''s tough but just ignore the pointless posts, as they really are just a waste of space[/quote] Spot on Alfie. Its ok i like it, i actually enjoy communicating with cretins, its fun.[/quote]About your level?[/quote] Not at all Morty, i think this thread has firmly established who the cretins are, its plain to see.
  17. [quote user="Feedthewolf"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"]The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.[/quote]Rehash bland opinions that could have been posted on a number of other threadsStart thread about itInsult anyone who disagreesRepeat[/quote] Oh look another idiot. Read the post Wolf, ive not insulted anyone who has disagreed. I have insulted those who have not posted re: the OP at all and just posted aboooose. Your another classic pinkun messageboard knobhead. You havent read the thread, youve just posted a keyboard warrior goading irrelevant line to goad me. Well done mate, well done. So how many is that now, Wolf, Morty and Hoola. Anymore? Tilson where are you fella? and Buh, i miss you too. I might even do a podcast for ya Buh if you post saying do a podcast.
  18. [quote user="morty"]Brilliant[:D]It is kinda relevant though when Tilson actually called you out, and you didn''t even turn up lol.[/quote] Not really Morty because i did the same thing, said id be at the program sellers hut outside the NandP, after that, which i was for 45 mins and no one turned up so its swings and roundabouts.
  19. [quote user="Alfie54"]When Howson scored last night I said to my wife if Jerome had headed the ball as well as that last season we''d still be in the Premier league. I can now see him starting ahead of Oliveira in the next match, also so depressing. Hucks, it''s tough but just ignore the pointless posts, as they really are just a waste of space[/quote] Spot on Alfie. Its ok i like it, i actually enjoy communicating with cretins, its fun.
  20. [quote user="morty"]Honestly the absolute irony of you branding people keyboard warriors...[/quote] Morty people who post, like you and Hoola have done today, with nothing relevant to the OP, just to abuse and goad me, are keyboard warriors. My definition of a keyboard warrior is someone who trolls and posts things they would never say to someones face. Well im perfectly willing to say my ''idiots'' to your face so feel free to pop down, i live opposite the ground ill meet you both at the ticket office and ill explain the definition of irony and keyboard warrior to you happily. *cue Tilson chirping in about when we were meant to meet in the pub in 1917
  21. [quote user="paul moy"]Well, I agree with Huckerby''s boots on Wes and Oliveira. He should have been brought on last night and Oliveira should not have been taken off so early. [/quote] Exactly Paul, the Oliveria sub was even worse than bringing on Naismith and Jerome.
  22. [quote user="Hoola Han Solo"]You''re rambling and swearing and it''s pretty much a tantrum. Isn''t that what kids do?[/quote] Im not rambling Hoola, im being very specific. Your a child and an idiot and your posts today prove that.
  23. [quote user="Alfie54"]I was there last night and I entirely agree with your post Huckerby[/quote] Finally, an adult. Thanks Alfie54 for your relevant and completely adult post. I entirely agree with my post too :) Look Morty everyone has the same opinion as you and Hoola. What a couple of knobheads you two really are.
  24. [quote user="Hoola Han Solo"]You say I''m a keyboard warrior yet only appear during the doom and gloom to whine. Ooh sorry, there goes my irony meter too.[/quote] Hilarious. That isn''t irony mate. Go back to school and learn what irony means.
  25. Everyone? Yes Morty you, Hoola and few others is everyone. Another idiot, must be Christmas. How about you two give your opinions on the post rather than doing what you always do becuase your f@#£% children, and that''s to just goad me. If were talking about ''everyone'' I''d actually wager the majority of people on this board are tired of idiots like you two who do nothing but provoke and post abuse. Your children f@#£&& grow up.
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