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Matt Morriss

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Everything posted by Matt Morriss

  1. So you don''t read the post, you just clicked to goad me? Which worked of course hence I''m typing this. What an idiot. Jog on mate.
  2. Haha, what a child you are. Grow up mate and stop being a keyboard warrior.
  3. Very simple for me after last night. He''s not learning, at all. Last season after January we went with Naismith and Jerome for a majority of the remainder of the season and the got what, 1 goal between them? While Mbokani who scored more than those two combined spent more time on the bench. We also had to endure the defending ability of Bassong, who AN thought was good enough for the premier league. Now the reason we got relegated was Bassong in defence and no goals from Jerome and Naismith up front. Two big failed decisions from last season. 2-1 down last needing a goal and what does tactical genius AN do? Brings off a player who''s probably the only natural finisher at the club, who''s scored 3 in 3 and can score from anywhere out of nothing, and brings on two players who are proven to be incapable of gettings goals. We know exactly what we get with Jerome and Naismith, and it isn''t goals. For me the setup doesn''t even work, Naismith in the 10 role is terrible as he doesnt create or score. If your gonna play 4231 with a 10 behind the striker surely it has to be a created like Wes or Pritchard? Naismith there didn''t work last season, him and Jerome didn''t get one goal between them after the Liverpool game. Bassong aswell needs a mention, I''ve slated him this season but fairs fair he looked good v Brentford and Villa. But the fact is they were two very poor teams, and the second we come up against a good side with a decent forward line what happens? Defence looked shambolic last night and 2 goals conceded before halftime again. AN isn''t learning and on the contrary is making the same mistakes over and over. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Well last season Bassong, Naismith and Jerome did not work and AN is doing it again. Last night cried out for Wes and Oliveria or better still Jerome and Oliveira and 442. When you need a goal surely you go for the best possible lineup? You don''t go for two players who are 100% proven to not get you goals.
  4. [quote user="nutty nigel"]Naismith played well too.... Good news about the podcast. I hope it''s as good as the Simpson''s one on that sofa with the ciggy and the wiggy....[/quote] that was a quality production..
  5. [quote user="hogesar"]For someone name-calling everyone else repeatedly on this thread, ''morons'' being the latest term, you''d have thought you might have been able to figure out how to get quotes to work on here really, wouldn''t you?[/quote] I talk to people on here how I would talk to them in real life. If i was having a discussion with a few NCFC fans at a match about how crap Bassong is, and someone came up interjected and said ''haha, you should do a podcast, haha'' my response would be to call them an idiot.
  6. And I really dont think the qoute thing makes me an idiot Hogesar. I press the qoute button and it does what it does.
  7. [quote user="hogesar"]For someone name-calling everyone else repeatedly on this thread, ''morons'' being the latest term, you''d have thought you might have been able to figure out how to get quotes to work on here really, wouldn''t you?[/quote] Hogesar youll note i dont call ''everyone'' morons and idiots, its just the morons and idiots who reply to the thread with ''do a podcast'' or some other moronic bating post. Because they are idiots and if you post boring rubbish like that im gonna call you an idiot, because thats what you are.
  8. [quote user="morty"]Why do you think people give you stick?[/quote] Probably because I bite Morty, but its all good fun.
  9. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="hogesar"]Bassong = guaranteed 0 points and a loss. R Bloody hell, must have imagined all those games with him and Turner at CB where we won! Must have also imagined us recalling him from Watford and winning games with him in defence then![/quote] Really? Really? When was that? 4 yrs ago? I''m talking about how you idiot, Bassong has been finished for 18 months now, he was poor all last season and nothing has changed[/quote]Irony at it''s best.I''ll tell you what wasn''t 4 years ago. Our last Championship season, and thus the most relevant to our discussion, which was, for fans of Norwich who don''t know the history of our club over the last 3 years, not last season, but the season before. You could always do another f*cking podcast on it. If a podcaster fell in the woods, would someone finally listen to them?[/quote] I might actually resurrect the podcast, it was fun. Then you morons can really have something to have a go at, rather than dusting off the same old tired joke from, literally, 10 years ago.
  10. [quote user="Hank shoots Skyler"]These threads from Matt never disappoint[/quote] I try, they normally follow a similar vein. I moan about something, normally Bassong after another debacle. Then the usual suspects come out and poke me with a stick with podcast jibes yawn, some people just play devils advocate, a few agree and actually post something intelligent and relevant. All good fun.
  11. [quote user="hogesar"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"][quote user="hogesar"]Bassong = guaranteed 0 points and a loss. R Bloody hell, must have imagined all those games with him and Turner at CB where we won! Must have also imagined us recalling him from Watford and winning games with him in defence then![/quote] Really? Really? When was that? 4 yrs ago? I''m talking about how you idiot, Bassong has been finished for 18 months now, he was poor all last season and nothing has changed[/quote]Irony at it''s best.I''ll tell you what wasn''t 4 years ago. Our last Championship season, and thus the most relevant to our discussion, which was, for fans of Norwich who don''t know the history of our club over the last 3 years, not last season, but the season before. You could always do another f*cking podcast on it. If a podcaster fell in the woods, would someone finally listen to them?[/quote] Irony? a spelling error? Haha, good one.
  12. [quote user="Jacko"]Oh great, another thread from Matt. Well, while we''re on the subject of podcasts, isn''t the whole thing basically a rip off Kellow''s Bootlaces - the Exeter City fan podcast and show? As for the decision to play Bassong, I actually didn''t mind it. Klose has been absolutely atrocious in recent weeks and needed a kick up the backside to remind him that he isn''t undroppable. He got absolutely monstered by Dunk from a set play at Brighton and tried to do a ridiculous pirouette on the halfway line which also led to a goal. He also gave away a ridiculous free kick against Leeds which ultimately led to their winner. Bassong wasn''t as bad as people make out in that game on Saturday. I don''t see how the sending off can be attributed to him. If Olsson does the sensible thing and puts his foot through it then the whole game is completely different. I agree he should have done better for the first goal but equally Brady was totally static and allows Washington to get the run on him. Likewise Bennett and Ruddy were just as culpable as him for our second goal. It''s unfair to single him out alone for what is clearly a collective malaise.[/quote] " Well, while we''re on the subject of podcasts, isn''t the whole thing basically a rip off Kellow''s Bootlaces - the Exeter City fan podcast and show? " Yes, yes it was, well remembered.
  13. [quote user="Cobain18"]Fans were a disgrace at the weekend!! Bassong''s confidence shot to bits because of jeers, boos and sarcastic cheers. We''ve ruined a decent champs player much in the same way we ruined Snodgrass while he was at the club - he''s now doing ok. Bassong helped two clubs to promotion last season .... Hasn''t suddenly become a bad player.[/quote] Nail on the head Cobain, Bassong helped two clubs to promotion, not last season but 2 years ago. Since then he has been abysmal in the prem, and abysmal this season. He''s finished.
  14. [quote user="Cobain18"]Fans were a disgrace at the weekend!! Bassong''s confidence shot to bits because of jeers, boos and sarcastic cheers. We''ve ruined a decent champs player much in the same way we ruined Snodgrass while he was at the club - he''s now doing ok. Bassong helped two clubs to promotion last season .... Hasn''t suddenly become a bad player.[/quote] I really dont think we can blame the fans for Basssong''s poor form, that really is scraping the bottom of the barrell. Why is it im the only one who thinks Bassong is done and should be taken out back and put down. Im not making this up. Look at the latest example of Bassongs ineptness, the QPR game. Look at the 2 goals and the penalty and tell me he did nothing wrong.
  15. [quote user="Duncan Edwards"]I agree buh. Especially when people bring up the one he couldn''t be arsed to do at the NCISA evening with Darren Huckerby. They''d reserved him his own special seat and everything and then just couldn''t be arsed to turn up or even let anyone know...😂[/quote] Hahahahaah why is this even a thing and why are you so butt hurt about it? I cant even remember this, but apparently i didnt turn up. Probably because i couldnt be arsed! or had something better to do. Funnily enough, as much as i love NCFC, it isnt my whole life, and NCISA events have never been high on my to do list. But well done on finding a flimsy stick to beat me with.
  16. [quote user="Buh"]The podcast jokes are pretty funny, come on.[/quote] Haha if you think they are I bet your a riot in the pub..
  17. [quote user="City 2nd"]You simply cannot pick one defender and state he is the reason for our current demise. Collectively the defence have ALL been culpable for atrocious defending not only this season, but in the prem last season too. What I would like to know, and I think the players do to after witnessing the QPR debacle, is are we zonal marking or selective player marking when defending a set piece?![/quote] Thats funny because I am 100% not picking one defender as the reason for a current demise. Read my post again. This post is me bashing Bassong again and AN for picking him when the end result is known pre game, at least it is for me. Im not stupid enough to suggest a player that has played, what, 2 league games? can be the reason for our slide. This is about AN continuing to pick a player that recent history has shown us that we concede when he plays and always lose (cup games aside). Not only do we lose, but Bassong is always directly responsible for at least 1 if not all goals conceded.
  18. [quote user="Hoola Han Solo"]F uck off Matt. No one cares about whiny little plastics.[/quote] 1. f. o - great response, really intelligent 2. Plastic? How so?
  19. [quote user="Nuff Said"][quote user="Huckerbys Boots - Matt"] Well as I said Nuff the cup is the cup and is a totally different prospect to the bread and butter league, so to draw any comparisons contradicts my arguments so must be wrong I think.....[/quote]Fixed that for you.Bassong had a decent game in a stand-out result for us against a successful Premier League team who clearly wanted to win, otherwise they would have dropped 10 of the first team like we did. It doesn''t mean he should be an automatic pick but stop digging the hole you''re in.[/quote] What hole would that be in? The hole that says Bassong is abysmal and we lose when he plays in the league? Or the hole your in stating that because he was part of the 2-0 cup win at Everton that we should forget all his appalling league efforts and play him every game because of one cup match, when we all know cup games are lotteries and most prem clubs don''t take serious.
  20. [quote user="Buh"]Bassong at CB means an automatic loss Apart from all the times he''s played and we''ve won This is truly worthy of a podcast Id criticise Neil for many selection issues but what can he reasonably do in terms of selection at CB when he''s been so badly let down by all of them in recent times. He has no more move yet to make, Michael Turner and Carlton Morris is literally the next combination to try.[/quote] Haha the podcast ''joke'' again. Wasn''t funny earlier so I''ll tell the same joke again. In the words of Steven Toast ''you really are a prize idiot''.
  21. [quote user="hogesar"]Bassong = guaranteed 0 points and a loss. R Bloody hell, must have imagined all those games with him and Turner at CB where we won! Must have also imagined us recalling him from Watford and winning games with him in defence then![/quote] Really? Really? When was that? 4 yrs ago? I''m talking about how you idiot, Bassong has been finished for 18 months now, he was poor all last season and nothing has changed
  22. [quote user="Alfie54"]The fairly obvious answer is strengthen the areas that you are weakest in, which Neil clearly hasn''t done in the various Windows available to him.[/quote] Don''t think we can blame AN for this. It''s more down to money and location, and perhaps AN''s inexperience as a manager, which isn''t his fault.
  23. [quote user="Nuff Said"]My point is that despite that we are apparently living in a "post-truth" world, the evidence you quoted was untrue. Therefore your argument is weakened.It was meant as a neutral post re the OP, but since you ask, personally, I think Bassong is **** and have done for several years. The fact that our performances improved once he came back in after the loan to Watford shows that, as I''m quite willing to admit, I know **** all about what makes a successful team and am in general happy to leave it to the professionals and simply support my team.[/quote] Well as I said Nuff the cup is the cup and is a totally different prospect to the bread and butter league, so to draw any comparisons is pointless I think. As for using the Everton game to suggest Bassong deserves a league chance is ridiculous. Using the league performances, which are consistently incompetent, is the only factor needed here when considering Bassong. And the fact AN fails to see this is baffling.
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