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  1. hilda the tea lady will make a press release tomorrow on the way she sees things and from what i hear she backs the boys as well. its all in the tea  cups  you now.
  2.   GAZZATHEGREAT      its hard to now what to do. as you say shelling out on a season ticket is not cheap.come feb/march the old form for the season ticket will drop on the mat again.yes i suppose i will shell out my 1500 quid again .yet at the moment how can i  tell my wife its money well spent mmm.when there all manner of dosh pressures on the table as well.
  3. yes 8 weeks my fellow fans to save our club.come jan the following will happen unless things have changed for the good.ashton,green will leave,saffs away on inter duties.the club will then send out renewell form for season tickets how many will take that offer up if by then we could be relegated all bar the shoutin.
  4. worthy said good all round display cant ask for more than that same as adams quotes on radio last night.
  5. i thought we lost again last night against birmingham.every body is saying how well we played.errr we lost again yes lost. its coming to something when you all get your knickers in a twist with excitement at a loss.we still cant win.see how we all feel after saturday.                                                                                             
  6. ridgeman you are correct to many hangers on earning a wod of dosh for what.ie,goss,eddie,millegan,barham,etc,etc.
  7. delia would you sack your no1 chef if he delt up crap meals week in week out ? of cause you would say no more.its becoming to much of an old buddies club at the top.
  8. just saw worthy at bq is this a sign he could soon be on gardening duties,as he had a lawn mower on his trolley.mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  9. poor old eddy shown the door because he would not play ball with mr iam nasty worthy.grow up worthy. now we have a bloke who he boubht  called collin who he never saw play only on vidio say no more.
  10. in debt after being given 20.000.00 mill last season,no hope of return in the next 1-2-3 seasons,very strong poss of getting relegated,lost the will to win, players fighting with each other,the club keeping it all secret about so called injuries, players on the p--s the night before the millwall game yes the night before the millwall game,worthy new and he still picked him and he played in that game from the start. come on lets cut the crap with club is riddled with bad apples at the moment, get it sorted mr and mrs board members.i cant wait for agm i shall be there and voice my thoughts with them i hope you do 2 .yes the coaching staff should leave today. please.
  11. heard a man tell a man that theres not a cat in hells chance of the board sacking worthy even if we were in bottom 5 all season. so my friends stop wasting your posts on worthy out as it is not going to happen .dam.
  12. wed 26 will set up  the rest of the season.if we lose to qpr on 22 oct and birmingham on 26oct worthy must resign .this club is to big to be draged down to the bottom of the pit of this div. our next 10 games are 7  away and 3 at home.i think we''re in trouble at the end of those games if we are still on the same form as we are now and with same boss in charge.god help us.
  13. never has a manager of norwich city been more supported by the board with dosh that they havent got than this manager.he has bought this team, he has picked this team,he is the man who should fall by his sword and go.go now.you see my fellow city supporters come next season if we stay with this man the old season ticket sales will be down to about 15000 all those empty seats what a sight.then with no monies coming in it will be goodbye to green ,ashton we are are doomed ,doomed. oh by the way old man worthy was not to unhapy with us last night,4-2.mmmm.
  14. yes mckenzie has alot of props at the moment in his life and has no ankle props thats a fact.
  15. is it me our do you fellow fans see or feel what i do about ashton. he seems that he has yet to come to the table and be part of us. he seems a bit of a loner.almost a bit out of tune with his mates. like at school has it all but wont mix.
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