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Tom Rainsford

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  1. One word for Ashton...Judas.Wasn''t it a few months ago he signed a contract extension stating his love for the club was behind it!Ok, Norwich city football club maybe a mid table championship side ,but is it a surprise with this sort of discontent in the dressingroom?It makes the any fan wonder who is the next to go and who actually wants to play for Norwich .Worthington is the man to take the club up again but that will only happen via the playoffs. Any manager in his situation is going to fail if he knows his star players want to go. Darren Huckerby is a player everybody in the club should look up to unlike Ashton he is an exciting and creative player to watch and once more he is LOYAL and it is clearly obvious he loves the club. On another note what happend saturday with greeno coz i wasnt at the match? If Norwich aren''t in the top6 by May Worthy must go but he shouldn''y be judged now!Btw opefully the West Ham fans will get on his if he does''nt score reguarly.Some would wish him luck but how can you wish good luck to a player who used the club?Good riddance!!! BRING BACK JAMIE CURETON
  2. I agree ... We love you paul Mcveigh  you know the rest
  3. I was once a Norwich fan until Leeds in 1999 were in the champions league got my support>At the time I was 10.Watching last Nights game I felt my old Norwich pride comingback to me like it was 2years ago. Regardless of what happens Im 17 know and slowly I''m becoming a fan again it''s not because of the premiership adventure.Here is my apologie sorry for disowning you the original tractor boys!!!Not our ipswich rivals down the road. Neway to the point last nite was a gutsy performance for the first time in years we were all over a decent premiership side .Then after the 2nd goal our heads dropped that cannot happen .And Delia Smith come on!All Norwich fans know Norwich are coming down to the fizzy league so they do not need to hear her aving a go at the fans.They''ve had to put all season with label ''Norwich great fans not the best of teams ''.Next season green will be gone and maybe a couple of others.Give it another seson we''ll be ready. Next sesons Line up .. Ward,Edworthy, shackell, charlton,drury,francis,holt,huckerby(on the left),jonson,Ashton and Huckerby up front.   Next seasons aims ... Get Money Buy young players and give the academy lads a chance And lets Get behind the team and get them back were they belong. Remember the UEFA Cup run lets make it happen again!!!!!! On the ball City!!!!!!
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