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Posts posted by horsefly

  1. 1 hour ago, cambridgeshire canary said:

    Taking money from OAPs, banning smoking in pubs and sending migrants all over the country.


    Keir really winning the working class vote........

    So what you're saying is the working class are a bunch of old, dumb, smoking, drunk, racists. I beg to differ. Not all working class people are Reform Ltd voters.

  2. 49 minutes ago, norfolkngood said:

    i think he has potential and as we have seen with Rowe given first team games sometimes players can just move to a different level ,

    i think that maybe the case with Kamara ,

    i would not sell as i do not think we could buy the potential he has for the same money ,

    If he wants away that badly and we have a slot that he has a chance filling got to be questions why ? 

    I remember a US football coach saying, "Potential means you ain't worth a damn yet". The reality is Kamara has had chances to impress the City management and so far has not done anything like enough to persuade them that he should start ahead of Forsyth or Crnac. Only Kamara and the club knows his state of mind and his willingness or otherwise to fight for a place on merit. We are left to infer that his unwillingness to sign another contract suggests he would rather be elsewhere. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Dean Coneys boots said:

    Am I alone in thinking we should hold onto Kamara? He’s a genuine talent with bags of potential and plays in a position we need to fill…I see the opportunity there he wants. 

    sure he got his head turned and swept up in the Jonny Rowe drama. But he is a young chap and once the window closes will surely settled down. No? 

    The similarities with the Bali Mumba situation are quite striking. Both had excellent seasons in League 1, both returned and had a poor pre-season, both seemed unhappy not to be considered guaranteed starters. I trust the management to decide whether they consider it worthwhile attempting to work with Kamara, or to cash in and find an alternative prepared to work for a first-team spot on merit.

  4. 15 hours ago, Barbe bleu said:

    Well something to be proud of there.  Where I am we recruit heavily from the new Hong Kong diaspora. They come here with an incredible work ethic and the respect for managers is something to behold.   No way would someone from Hong Kong leave before the boss does.   

    Luckily the boss always leaves early and within 6 months all but the most diligent of our Cantonese cousins is levelled down to UK standards 


    Oh dear! Typical lazy right-wing can't-be-bothered-to-think attitude that is ruining this country.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Daz Sparks said:

    Still very close, but better that than behind. 

    Indeed! And with every report like this Trump gets more and more bat-sh*it crazy. It might appeal to the MAGAt morons to post this sh*ite, but the voters he needs to win over (the independents and floaters) will be increasingly put off by the lunatic dictator in waiting. 


  6. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/the-polls-look-good-for-harris-and-the-trump-campaign-just-told-on-itself/ar-AA1pEJ34?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=508e8b6fc3ee40c4b74eb511c8d290af&ei=52

    "A USA Today/Suffolk University poll out on Thursday shows Harris with a five-point lead aganst Donald Trump, an eight-point turnaround from a June survey that showed President Joe Biden trailing. Specifically, she saw huge shifts to the point that she now has an impressive 23-point lead with people who earn $20,000 or less. Trump previously had a three-point lead in that demographic."

    • Like 2

  7. 8 minutes ago, S_81 said:

    If you don’t think that losing Sara and Rowe leads to less goals compared to what we’ve currently brought in then you’re either a fortune teller or delusional. Time will tell which one 

    Season 2017/18: 14th position, minus-11 goal difference, Maddison made 22 goal contributions (14 assists, 8 goals)

    Maddison sold. Pinkun forum in despair

    Pukki (the Celtic failure) brought in on a free. Pinkun forum very unimpressed

    Season 2018/19: 1st position, plus-36 goal difference, Pukki made 39 goal contributions (10 assists, 29 goals)

    I think I'll wait to see what happens, rather than speculate 


    • Like 1

  8. 3 minutes ago, Mason 47 said:

    I often try and look at squad building with this type of lens. I will often cite Nunez vs Sara in this scenario, a decent chunk of the latters assists last season came from dead ball delivery. If Nunez was allowed to take every set piece this season, its reasonable to say he might get similar numbers (maybe even a few more with more height in the side)


    Yep! Forson: two starts and already one assist. So if he carries on at that rate we can expect 20+ assists from him. It's easy to use stats to twist an argument in one's preferred direction. What is often described as analysis of stats amounts to little more than counterfactual  speculation. 

  9. Want a good indication of the likelihood that this story is true? Just take a look at the book "Britannia Unchained", an extremist far right manifesto written by: Kwasi Kwarteng, Preeti Patel, Dominic Raab, Chris Skidmore, Liz Truss (2012). It calls for the removal of workers rights and safeguards, mass privatisation, and the reduction of state provision of services to the very barest minimum.

    "The British are among the worst idlers in the world. We work among the lowest hours, we retire early and our productivity is poor."


  10. 7 minutes ago, cornish sam said:

    Now now Hoggy, that's a tad disingenuous isn't it? Firstly you are comparing Goal Contributions to Goals, secondly, how many of the assists from Sara were for Rowe (or Rowe to Sara, but I think this number would be 0)? You are counting those goals twice. Finally (and admittedly a bit more tenuously), just becasue the player who got the assist has left doesn't mean that the player in his position wouldn't have made the telling contribution does it?

    Yes, we have lost the players responsible for a chunk of the goal contributions, but, that doesn't mean we have lost those goals...

    Spot on! Factor into that too that our defensive record was very bad last season. Knock 20 or more goals off that and then the picture looks different again. 

  11. 43 minutes ago, Graham Paddons Beard said:

    Can’t believe I’m wasting time with an anonymous poster about a pointless observation about a signing we haven’t even made. 
    I'm embarrassed to be honest . Let’s hope I have a more productive afternoon. 

    "Anonymous poster" says Graham Paddon's Beard 🤣🤣🤣 (btw try looking up the use of apostrophes). And you're the one who made the pointless observation about Rowe's replacement when you don't have the slightest clue what the club has done re his replacement.   

    • Like 1

  12. 12 minutes ago, Graham Paddons Beard said:

    So a right sided attacking midfield player (who came on against us in that position replacing Brooks) definitely isnt a replacement for another right sided attacking midfield  player that we have just sold . 

    thanks for clarifying . 


    It was your post:

    "We seem back to signing players our competitors don’t want - like the lad from Sheff Utd who the fans can’t wait to get rid of." 

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