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Derby Canary

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Everything posted by Derby Canary

  1. [quote user="nutty nigel"]I''m sure that the board member with least knowledge of how to run a football club knows more about it then me. But then I am fick.....[/quote] The fact that the least knowledgeable Board member is more knowledgeable than you Nutty provides me with no consolation whatsoever! These guys should be appointed for what they can contribute to the Club in football terms NOT whether they appear in Debretts or what they achieved (OR did n''t!) in public life.
  2. [quote user="Nuff Said"]Derby Canary (where are you in Derby BTW, I live in Draycott) - look me in the (virtual) eye and tell me honestly that if we already had a new CEO, you wouldn''t be posting on here that we should have taken longer to get the right candidate?[/quote] Not at all NS. Contrary to popular belief I do not intentionally mean my observations to be destructive. I have supported the fine City for c50 years and would like nothing more than to truly believe that we were ''on the right course''! I have become more than a little fed up of us taking ages to appoint replacement Managers/Board members then soon after appointing others because of some deficiency in the original appointment/ or even an agency because the whole board does not know what it is doing in a football sense.
  3. You misunderstand my point Parma. I do not suggest that we do not pay well, people do not ''serve notice'' in this business, we cannot afford to wait - refer again last year! More payment in lieu, applies.
  4. Good joke Zipper! This is football remember with ''loads of money'' where the priority (as we learnt to our cost) last year is to have key people in place earliest. I also predict that after half a dozen matches of the new season Irvine will take over on a temp basis pending hunting down new Manager - by end of season?
  5. This person must be really good guys. Long notice to serve. Maybe we are waiting for Blair to clear Chilcott or even Corbyn''s availability. Or maybe we have n''t a clue and are hunting down more midfielders. Lessons of last year so quickly forgotten!
  6. "Wish nothing but the best to @NorwichCityFC , i feel bad for the fans tho , wish you guys could really know what happens inside this ⚽️ club" https://twitter.com/AdelGafaiti/status/742067601052999682 "@NorwichCityFC Managed by so many bad non football guys that don''t know how manage the club and their players 1st team and youths included" https://twitter.com/AdelGafaiti/status/742068564979519489
  7. [quote user="A Load of Squit"][quote user="lake district canary"][quote user="A Load of Squit"]No-one has said that they lack the ability what was reported was that they have decided to employ someone with the expertise to get the best possible deal, just like most people do when selling their house, you could do it yourself but most employ an agent.[/quote] As buying and selling players is part of an ongoing part of what the footbal club does, you would expect they would have a team of people in place to deal with it, with the CEO at it''s head. If the CEO goes or is not available, the next person in line in that team should be able to step up. If they are not, that is a failure in the system imo. Outside agents for whatever you want, cost a lot of money, often way over what it would cost if you do it yourself. [/quote] They do have people in place to deal with it and they are dealing with it but it also helps to have expertise avaialable to plug gaps when employees leaves. [/quote] Can now understand where your''handle'' came from because that truly is "A Load of........."!
  8. The Times reports that an agency has been hired as "the club do not have the contacts/knowledge to sell players" Maybe that applies to buying players too.......still alright Lappin?
  9. We''ve Extended Michael Turner''s Contract Still ok Lappin, think you will be getting plenty more of this! You keep believing. Just as well Colchester won''t be around for first game next season!
  10. [quote user="lappinitup"][quote user="Derby Canary"]The whole point is that EVERYTHING, new contracts for existing players,recruitment of new players etc etc is on hold until this appointment takes place, and even then ONLY after a settling in period![/quote]OR......."“The interim structure is very important because when we sat down at the beginning of last week with Alex, what we all knew from the start was the reality of the summer window would start straight away – and we had to hit the ground running,” said Balls.“We put in place immediate structures that started last week to fill the immediate gap. We’ve had constant discussions with Alex, and Steve Stone is really stepping up into the role of interim chief executive.“I think we’ve got a Premier League-quality team doing our immediate summer business and the fact we’ve been able to move immediately with Steven Whittaker, you know there are discussions with Gary O’Neil – but many other things are going on as well. “I think that could reassure supporters we are determined to make sure we have the best summer we can, so we can get back to the Premier League at the first time of asking, and we can do that without needing to rush a long-term decision on the chief executive."So who do we believe, The chairman of the football club or the OP, even allowing for his glaring mistake? And who follows it up with this little gem.....[quote user="Derby Canary"]Not one of the existing Board have the slightest clue regarding the running of a football club![/quote]Apart from the twenty years Delia and Michael have been at the helm I suppose we have to go back to Foulger''s minor involvement.Conversely, what are your qualifications Derby, Which clubs have you successfully ran?(football manager 2016 doesn''t count, honestly). [/quote] "Gary O’Neil completes Bristol City move after rejecting new Norwich City deal" All being sorted then lads! We really don''t need a new Chief Exec do we? Afterall he was the only player in the last few games of last season that gave total effort and despite his age would have had at least an effective couple of seasons in him as obviously sensed by Bristol City!
  11. [quote user="morty"]Yes, obviously every single person at the club is sat at their desk, looking confused and a bit lost, and totally unable to do a single thing because we don''t have a chief exec.Jesus Christ.[/quote] David McNally made just about every decision there was to make at the Club over the past 5 years so that scenario is probably about right!
  12. Not one of the existing Board have the slightest clue regarding the running of a football club! ..........and thats a fact Lappin. As much as we appreciate Delia''s past financial contribution it''s not ''time with the club'' that qualifies her (and others) for the role as they have demonstrated time and again. Although I do not claim to have ''Managerial qualities'' as a long term supporter I am entitled to pass comment when I see the same mistakes repeated again and again.
  13. [quote user="pablofarmer"]Not sure that is true. In fact I am sure that Mr Balls has said that business can go on as ''normal'' under the interim arrangements. Things will take as long as they take. The Transfer window is open yet. Expiring contracts will expire at the end of June. Just relax.[/quote] ..........just relax? I believe that was what I was told when I suggested that last year''s Jan recruitment was too late to save our bacon and in all likelihood would bring in players with too little time to bedin and were probably players no one else wanted! All true, except of course Klose!
  14. The whole point is that EVERYTHING, new contracts for existing players,recruitment of new players etc etc is on hold until this appointment takes place, and even then ONLY after a settling in period! Do we ever learn from our mistakes or will this be a convenient excuse for further non performance next season? Not one of the existing Board have the slightest clue regarding the running of a football club!
  15. I have, believe it or not tried to be patient this time with our board, reassured perhaps by their assertions (weeks ago) that it was imperative that a Chief Exec (the right one) be appointed as soon as possible to begin the planning process for this key time in our great Club''s history. We were told that they were ''overrun'' with applications many extremely strong and I ignored our previous experience of for example the appointment of a ''father figure'' for Neil Adams who was appointed (eventually) and then resigned a couple of weeks later, the mini Management team that became a disaster and the failure to appoint a player recruiter in good time that then meant that we either did not recruit or when we did generally either paniced or got it wrong! Well Mr Balls, please reassure me that huge progress is being made and this time it is me that has got it wrong, otherwise just like last season we will be running out of time!
  16. As has been said many times before TIL 1010 we could n''t give one for his academic history we judge him on his current role and so far we have seen nothing (at all) to encourage us!
  17. Few (if any) of them will be good enough in the unlikely event that they are successful in the play offs Ricky. Chris Martin has done v well (at this level) but we know that the Prem is likely to be a step too far. Johnson has had one good game one ordinary. Butterfield has performed surprisingly well.
  18. Nuff said, I currently live in Derby(shire) but am originally from Norwich having supported the Canaries since circa 1960. Have witnessed many ups and downs over that time. With the recruitment the Rams have made up here over the last few years we have almost become their ''feeder'' Club.
  19. We can only wait and see Ray and keep our fingers crossed. Whoever they ultimately select I would still feel a tad more comfortable with a lot more ''football knowledge'' spread across our board. Never a good thing for a CEO to be able to adopt an autocratic approach as Fred Goodwin so ably (or otherwise) demonstrated with the Royal Bank of Scotland! Anyway lets hope for three points tonight.
  20. Thanks for that Ray. My only concern then is that it will first be necessary for us to identify and hire this CEO. On the basis that nobody (it seems) currently on our board seems to have sufficient football knowledge to ''get the right man'' I am not sure how this will work. The botch the Club made in selecting a head of recruitment and the many mistakes that followed (during the Summer and earlier this year) is fresh in my mind!
  21. Broadstairs you are clearly not getting the message. Brian Cox (Prof) is extremely well qualified but sadly not in the right areas to successfully run a football Club. Do you get it?
  22. Mr Broadstairs, Are you the same person that contested that our Jan recruitment was just what we needed and had plenty of time to ''bed in'' ....sounds like it. I do''nt care what paper qualifications Ed Balls has, he is not qualified to run this great football club, let alone a country!
  23. WHO REMEMBERS: Humiliating moment Ed Balls FORGOT the name of one of his few supporters Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, seemed unsure and confused when he was responding to the government''s latest tax and spending plans - the Autumn Statement - on Wednesday. Politicians on the government''s side shouted and laughed at him. This week he has describe''s David McNally''s contribution as ''huge, though disruptive.'' On the week that our relegation is to be confirmed he suggests: that our Club will go from ''strength to strength''! that we have ''one of the best Managers in Britain''! Is he fantasizing that he is the Chairman of Leicester? To rely on a Michael Heseltine quote ''It''s not Smith it''s BALLS''! Thank the lord that this man got nowhere near the purse strings of this country!
  24. Steve Stone in temporary charge whilst Ainsley Harriott thinks over an offer from Delia! You could not make it up!
  25. Reminded me of the ''let''s be having you'' rant. Oh what an embarrassment it has become supporting this shower! Please please recruit some football brains onto this bored.....(not a typo!)
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