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Ken Aries

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i have a suggestion to make as regards The Pink''un newspaper. i quite often buy the pink''un to read as much as i can about my favourite football club. but
the thing ive noticed in recent years is how sparse the letters page has become. my idea (and it may not be original)is, why not bolster the letters section considerably, by printing a selection of the best postings from this bulletin board ?

ah ha you say, what if people dont want their posted opinions printed ? i have the answer to that. you either email hem seeking their permission to print, or you could ntroduce a system whereby people indicate their willingness to have their work published, by simply appending their posts with the word;PRINT (in capital letters). i feel there are a good many well argued and
written pieces on this message board, but the only people who can read them are those who are on-line. what do you think ? good idea or crap ?

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Thanks - I''ll pass the idea on to the printed Pinkun.

In the past the Evening News has printed lost of comments from this board, just using the nicknames provided (most people seem to use them rather than their real name), and no-one has objected. After all the messages are already public here.


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