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Kidderminster Exile

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Posts posted by Kidderminster Exile

  1. 16 hours ago, Faded Jaded Semi Plastic SOB said:

    According to the Greater Anglia site there are five parking spaces at Brandon and parking is free.......

    Yes it does say that and 5 spaces is not much especially if 1 or 2 are handicapped. looking on google maps it shows far more  spaces but could be old images.


  2. 3 hours ago, Daz Sparks said:

    On an aside, have you tried just park? You can select someone’s drive etc nearish and walk to the ground, probably get away quicker and it’s generally about £5-10. 

    Thanks D S, yest I have used Just park before but its not possible this time as I have had to stop driving for a while and have lift to Brandon where I was born and bred. When I was growing up there was always quite a lot of City supporters getting on train but as I have lived in the Midlands for years no idea how many these days, so hopping nothing has changed..

    my concern was that I know Brandon station is not what it used to be so hoping plenty of spaces in car park.Hope to be on 10.43 train

  3. Looking at TWTD the locals seem to be dreading next Sunday, here is just a sample

    " Every time we play the Budgies we are in dreadful form and they are in much better form

    Lately it’s often been because they’ve finished much higher but look at this season. We are above them yet didn’t play them at start of the season when we were top two and they were bottom three. Fixture arrived when we started to struggle and they hit form.

    Now we face them again when goals have dried up and they’ve found form again. Pure bad luck on our part but I swear that the last 10 meetings have arrived at the perfect time for them and worse time for us.

    All this time we’ve been ahead of them and they’ll go above us at Carrot Road. Typical.


    It’s a real thing on 18:07 - Feb 10 with 52 views pointofblue

    Didn''t they go above us after beating us too? Then they lost form and we regained ground.

    We had an eight point lead over them a few weeks ago.

    Poll: How many points would you be happy with from the next two home matches? "

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