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Norfolk Mustard

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Posts posted by Norfolk Mustard

  1. Chris Brown ''scoring pretty freely''? - he''s not even in the top 30 Championship top-scorers (Source: Soccernet 27.2.10). He breaks the Trade Descriptions Act if he still calls himself a goal scorer!

    I do respect Paul Lambert''s judgement on this guy Elliott (even though I''ve never heard of him before!) - Lambo must have something in mind...

    ...and his transfer dealings are truly excellent so far, so I better shut up!

  2. Quote from Pink ''Un: ''52 appearances, scoring eight goals''. Why on earth do we need a player who takes in excess of 6 games to score a single goal?

    I know Holt could get injured (or banned!) but this guy sounds like another ''Scoring Prevention Officer'' to me!

    PS: The first being the bloke we sold to PNE who ran around never scoring. Oh and then there was Peter Thorne too...

    Don''t set me off!

  3. The full moon is Sunday; people''s behaviour in the 2 or 3 days beforehand tends to be more emotionally charged than usual.


    I was in Gentleman''s Walk yesterday lunchtime and a wheelchair-bound girl was screaming like hell and her carer could not control her (just an observation - I felt sorry for her) - then a guy having a coffee at a table outside Starbucks was shouting ''The Sun - The Sun - it''s out everybody - praise the Sun!'' - then a guy tried to get into a London Taxi outside Guildhall but the driver was having none of it and drove off with the door swinging leaving the potential passenger swearing at him!

    All this in 30 seconds and about 200 metres!

    I provide psychology-based training programmes for a living, so I do take a keen interest in anything to do with human behaviour...especially business and sport.

    Let’s see what happens on Saturday – I’ll eat humble pie if I’m wrong about the red cards!

  4. Oli Johnson should start & get 60 mins - to be replaced by Chris Martin.

    If Holt is carrying an injury then he shouldn''t be out there - he''s not doing anyone any favours like that! He''s been great for us, but at the very least he needs be fit to get the shirt...

    To be honest several of them looked a bit tired last night.

  5. Holt barely got off the deck last night? He was tentative in his tackling (we can understand why with red card fever abounding Carrow Road lately) - he really looked out of sorts.

    Players will occasionally have an off day, but Chris Martin''s first touch and lack of ball control meant we had two strikers lacking against Southend.

    The game demanded someone hungry for the ball - thankfully Oli Johnson had some ''oomph''!

    Still can''t believe we won - brilliant stuff!

  6. Sky have a great mix of pundits! I love watching most of them - in small doses mind you!

    To provide a panel of experts hat everyone adores = Mission Impossible - it just can''t happen can it?

    Matt Holland is pretty good in my opinion - certainly better than Gary Lineker when he first started on BBC when he was nowhere near ready to do the job.

    Dion Dublin has a head start in the popularity stakes because he''s connected to so many previous clubs - and he''s a true gent too.

    Ed Chamberlain is quality - but Jeff Stelling is the real McCoy...

    Compared to John Barnes on Channel 5 most sport channels in the UK are pretty good!

  7. Not a case of ''getting away'' with anything in my opinion!

    We have successfully played 3 at the back with 10 men and today with 11 men. Both times we had winning outcomes.

    That''s the objective of playing games of football isn''t it? - to win.

    Lambert''s a genius - he doesn''t think like most other managers - that''s why he''s a ''balls-out'' winner.

    Let''s embrace what we have and enjoy it!

  8. Paul Lambert''s decision making today was a true example of ''making something happen'' as opposed to ''hoping something might happen'' - a vast difference! It shows leadership and inner belief; Lambert calmly EXPECTS to win and successfully transfers this to a capable group of players.

    Thank goodness we have him!

  9. We''ve barely seen McNamee, so how can anyone assess him yet?

    He was quiet playing against us for Swindon - Lambert however thinks he''s quality and a different option.

    Playing 4-1-2-1-2 we could accomodate both McNamee and Hoolahan (McNamee in for Lappin wide left) - I''d welcome 60 mins of that as a trial!

  10. Anyone else in this situation?

    My 12 year old has played for NCFC Academy (against Arsenal, Spurs and Fulham last season) but not given a place in the Academy set-up. He''s had 2 more trial games in the dome in January this year - scoring a hat-trick in one session and an excellent header in the second game. He gets glowing reports from the PDC where he plays every week - yet nothing from NCFC...

    He even played in an u-16 trial game during the summer and scored the opening goal at Carrow Rd with a run into the area and a rising shot into the roof of the net at the Barclay End. Not bad considering most players that day were at least 3 years older...

    A scout from Ipswich has just called to ask where my son is playing this Sunday because they want to watch him.

    He dreams of getting some Academy training to make progress - but only ever wanted to wear yellow & green.

    After the dithering at Colney I suppose ITFC is the next best option if they offer him a place?

    We''re both NCFC season ticket holders and know nothing else. Hell this is a tricky one!

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