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Posts posted by HighTower

  1. Seems to me you have problems reading a private message, as half of that is made up.. BUT ANYWAYSSSSYea go ahead call me, and go ahead SHIT your self, let me kno when your next at a norwich game i''ll gladly come give you a "Peck on the cheek." OHHH OF COURSEEE You don''t have children, I mean anyone who has like 500+ posts on a forum like this is either a student, or a complete fucking loser, good job!Sadly then, I''ll not be molesting your children anytime soon, and for that matter probably ever, but i''ld LOVE to have a go on maybe, your mother? maybe I could spit all over her ringpeice and shatter her jaw with my 9 inch cock? As for you, go ahead CORRECT my spelling, tell me how much of an invilid I am, in the mean time you can carry on being a c00n prick you are nothing more than a stupid paki. So get cancer, please.. let your family die and as I have said numerous times..  Get - CancerRegards,HighTower

  2. [quote user="JuanVelasco"]

    [quote user="hogesar"]Lmao. This thread is borderlining on...well i''m not sure.Juan, you''ve come across in the wrong way - as you seem to do regularly...thats no one elses fault but your own.The random bloke being inexplicably racist is probably some 15 year old kid on a wind up - why not just completely ignore him?This is a forum - and the level of personal insults is ridiculous - but so is the ''I''ve got a first degree'' crap which people go on about now too.If this thread wasn''t so bloody stupid, it might even be funny.[/quote]

    I agree mate, I have done myself absolutely no favours whatsoever with this one. I have brought most of this on myself, with the exception of the little hitler.

    Apologies to anybody that I have offended, time for me to lay low and reflect.

    Then after this period of reflection, and the realisation you''re a complete bellend and prick.. and that you''re wasting your life.. the fact you have no life infact, no friends.. that your bored with your UGLY...UGLY children (that i molest every night) you can take that packet of pain killers, and take them all.

    Your sir, are a prick



  3. [quote user="JuanVelasco"]

    [quote user="Canaries in Bed"]And making a commnet about driving like Lee Hughes when you know full well that he killed someone is a bit tasteless, I think you will find that was what matey was on about........[/quote]

    Good grief get out of the house sometimes.

    Jimmy Carr can make jokes about Lee Hughes, Micheal Jackson and Heather Mills. But he cant call somebody a f*cking paki.

    Can you understand that?

    [/quote]Sorry I don''t understand arabic can you rephrase?

  4. Personally I have never been a big fan of Paul, but in this league if he can get fit and replicate some of the form he was in when he played for the championship winning side, he''d be a welcome and good signing.. I mean personally, after looking at the squad, I wouldn''t mind having him at the club even it was just for backup. I mean he''s not going to be demanding hardly ANY wage what so ever, he''ll be begging for one.. no agent fees, no big long contracts.. I don''t see why so many people have a problem with this signing.. everyone just thinks that when we sign a player he will jump STRAIGHT into the first XI and be what Gunn thinks to be the best player for that position..
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