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Houston Canary

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Posts posted by Houston Canary

  1. At least you got the ''monkey'' part of your name right.  The USA is, I don''t know, maybe 50 times bigger than the UK, and yet we produce only slightly more than double EvilM''s official standard for pollution. I''d say that makes the air in London a heck of a lot more smoggy than anything we are breathing in Houston.

    However, if you look at the output of pollution in industry, the third world is far worse than any western ones.  I''ll bet you''re one of those gullible people that believes in global warming, too!  Most people here do too.  It''s just the latest thing that''s going to kill all of us within decades if we don''t do something abuot it now, something that will drive the economy into the ground and let the governement rule our lives. 40 yeasr ago it was over population coulped with food shortages, then it was dwindling resources, then it was global cooling, then the ozone hole, then AIDS and now global warming.   I''m sure I''ve forgotten other panics, but every one of them was generated by the left wing who never apologized when they were definitvely proven wrong.  They just made up a new panic.  And what was it they were so concerned about?  The children!  Or at least the ones they didn''t decide to abort.

    Or the ones that weren''t killed by Matti Pattison when he drove drunk.  I got us back on topic.

  2. Maybe you should read something other than comic books and tabliods.  I can''t believe anyone in their right mind with something approaching a high school education thinks "what about the children" is a right wing tactic.  The left wing relies almost totally on emotional blackmail to win support for programs that give the government more and more control of your lives. It has obviously worked with you if you think giving a kid a swat for misbehavior rather than engaging him in debate is bullying and abuse. You equate that with brutality, I guess because it is easy to trick people into siding with you that way. A swat and beating the hell out of a kid are not the same thing, but the left wing ninnies prefer to portray it that way to change the debate format and gain support of the gullible. I have barely ever laid a hand on my kids, but guess whose kids are BY FAR the best behaved in their respective classes.  They are not withdrawn, or scared, they are just good boys who know right from wrong.  How''s that for proof?

    As for the California bill not being socialist-based, you have NO idea of the kind of left wing loonies residing there.  

     I don''t own a gun, but thanks to gun laws, I don''t have to hide every little item in my yard. Crooks don''t know who has a gun, so they don''t risk their lives for garden hoses, lawn chairs, rakes and every other yard item that went missing from eveyone''s homes on Earlham Road when they weren''t locked away in a garage or shed.  I applaud every execution in Texas because I know the person being put out of society''s misery deserves it.  You seem like you''d rather have them out on parole living in your neighborhood.

     The pollution level in England is way worse than it is in the US.  By world standards, both countries are relatively clean and getting cleaner with technology. If you want to bark at polluters, look at China, India and your friends in Russia.   What country have we invaded that England is not involved in the program? Glass houses, buddy, glass houses.  But I do recall England invaded most of the planet over the centuries. However, I am glad it was England and not Spain or Portugal that dominated in the end. Unlike you, I can differentiate between societal and cultural benefits offered by different groups.  Maybe you can too,  but as a lefty, you know it''s not politically correct to say so.

    Once again, who was hurt by Pattison''s drunk driving?  And I don''t mean emotionally hurt because that would make you and matt victims, and maybe City could have a charity match to raise funds for your cause. HAH!

  3. Whining about the children is a tactic of the left.  the soccer mom phenomena Bill Clinton appealed to.  Right now, there is debate about a bill intorduced into thew California legislature that will criminalize parents who spank their children.  The people behind it are classic "what about the children" socialists who want the government to run families.  What child ever benefited from never getting a swat for bad behaviour? None.

    As for the other guy, I have agreed Pattison should not have driven while drunk, but since nobody was harmed, nothing serious happened. Your emotional roller coaster seems to be based on what COULD have happened.  Yah, some bad sh!t could have happened, but it didn''t. Likewise, something bad can happen any time someone gets behind the wheel.  Should all driving be banned, since something bad might happen, or should we only prosecute those who actually do run stop signs while not paying attention?

  4. Canadians also say "math", not maths.  Why doesn''t anybody ever mention the Canadians?  Why must it always be about the Americans, as if they are the only people on the planet to be compared with? What about the Iraqis or Samoans?

    Besides, it''s just one problem he was working on, so why not just call is the singular math? Besides, it is so much easier to say ''math'' compared to ''maths''.  Almost as tough as ''unique new York''.

  5. That was not Maude Flanders who said that, it was some woman who has been on maybe 2 or 3 episodes for a few seconds each, doing the same overly-emotional pleading, which is what the left base most of their decisions on, emotion rather than substance.  As for who the character is parodying, is is not the Christian right. It is parodying the bleeding hearts.  It''s a "nobody can do anything because someone MIGHT get offended" (or in that case, hurt) mentality.

    And who lead the charge against music?  Tipper Gore, Al Gore''s wife.  Doesn''t get much more liberal and hypocritical than that.


    And read your comment again, SPat?  I''ve already shredded it once, so I''m through with it.

  6. What are you on, SPat?  Political Correctness is a function of the right?  Ha ha ha, good one!  Your closing comments sums it up exactly though.  Free speech EXCEPT for them majority.  Why should I not have the same rights to say things that some peon does just because I''m in the majority that built this country and made it the great place it is, the shining beacon to the world, attracting people from lesser places because nobody from there is willing or able to get it right?  If anything, guys like me should have more rights, so we can let the people from the dumps know how it''s done.  Keeping silent while they try to bring their unsuccesful ways to us is asinine.

    ''What about the children'' is absolutuely making fun of the bleeding hearts who see danger at every turn. How you twist that into a right wing things is beyond me. The right wing does not use these tactics, the left does. Once again, trying to play on emotions instead of substance.

    The only way you can give someone a similar sentence for failing at a crime to if they had succeeded is to be able to read their minds, something the left wing wants the courts to do with all this ridiculous ''hate crime'' legislation.  For all you know, the person didn''t REALLY want to hurt anyone, just scare them.

    Anything else you need educatin'' on, SPat?

  7. how many times has he been non existent this season? - jas

    From the game reports I''ve read, I''d say he was nonexistent only in the games he wasn''t dressed for. I don''t think he has been as low as average any time this year, and from what I am seeing, was effing brilliant today and last week.  If he''s still got it, why not keep him? 

    I''m guessing a summer to recoup and he will be as good as ever come August.

  8. "i am justified...given the past"  that is EXACTLY what I mean by you being a victim wannabe.

    Players publicly patting Pattison pleasantly perhaps pleases proud people. Enough aliteration, but it was nothing more than a public display of unity, not heroism.  The fans want to see the team struggling for survival to be united (or City - ha ha) not divided.

    I am accusing you of being inhuman since you seem to have no emotions other than resentment, anger, hatred, and so on. Obviously, you are and NCFC fan; no doubt there. 

    We obvioiusly will disagree on this matter.  Now it''s just a question of who gets the last word. Comparing Pattison to Joe Bloggs doesn''t work. Joe Bloggs is not a public figure so has far less to worry about when charged with a crime.  There won''t be media at the courthouse when he comes out. Pattison is not just a player, he is a marketable commodity, so the publicity for this crushes a potential revenue source for him and his family, unless Labatts or Budweisser uses him for some sort of ironic ad campaign.

    You have twice acknowledged my closing comment about commenting on other things that have not happened. You know it is a clear reference to nothing bad happening while Pattison went for a spin, but to try to save face, you change the subject at hand to something that has already been covered. Didn''t fool me or any of the other readers and participants here.   Nobody was hurt, so nothing happened. He was lucky for that, yes, but the fact is nothing happened. Or nothing BAD happened. How''s that? Do I need to be completely literal to make my point?

  9.   By ''victim wannabe'' I mean people who are just looking for any reason to be offended or upset.  Think of it in terms of schools recognizing Christmas, or not being allowed to any more because some people, especially Muslims, might feel left out or offended.  That is political correctness thinking.  The VAST majority of Muslims think Christmas lights and activites are a welcome change to the normal routine, but the few liberal-minded folk who have no clue about reality demand all signs of Christmas be removed from public places lest they offend someone.  Years ago, the politically correct generals demanded Speedy Gonzales be removed from the Looney Tunes line up because it might offend illegal immigrants and Hispanic-American families.  After a few years later, the Hispanic groups start speaking up about how the TV stations are racist because they never show Speedy Gonzales. The TV stations explained that they were warned off because the cartoon might offend Latinos.  The Latinos all said how much they loved Speedy.  Within a day or 2, Speedy was back on, much to the delight of the "they MIGHT be offended" Latinos.

     YOu don''t need to watch The Simpson''s to realize evil monkey was kidding. I was just giving the source of it.  Read it again, and you should be able to tell it is a mockery.   If you can''t, then you have no soul.

     In the bigger scheme of things, Pattison''s case is not a big deal because nobody got hurt. That his teammates have forgiven him is not a bad thing if you are an NCFC fan and someone with human feelings. he screwed up, but we won''t hold it against him forever, especially since NOBODY WAS HURT.   That is what makes it no big deal in the grand scheme.

    I am glad you agree we should now find something else that didn''t happen to get upset about. Cheers, matt! 

  10. matt crowhurst, you are such a victim wannabe that you completely missed the humor in evil monkey''s post.  That whole thing of "what about the children" is a parody of a whiny, politically correct, over-reacting spineless cry baby as done on The Simpson''s.

    I did not say drunk driving (or ''drink driving'' as you guys call it) was not a bad thing.  But Pattison has been processed and punished for it, and nobody was hurt.  Lucky for him and anyone who might have gotten in his way, but it is nothing more than pointless victimization to cry about something that didn''t happen. Once again, the guy that killed your father deserves the death penalty.  There was a victim in that event. Pattison deserves to lose his license for a while and be publicly humiliated, which has happened. So what is the big deal? Something that didn''t happen?

    Let''s drop this and get upset about other things that didn''t happen. 


  11. Try telling that to someone who''s lost a relative or friend as the result of drink-driving.

    What a crass, stupid and insensitive comment - LinkNR9

    Way to ignore the caveats to my comment, Link.  Or should I refer to you as "missing Link" since you seem to be unable to think beyond the drama that NEVER HAPPENED. Exactly who lost a relative or friend to Pattison''s offense? You want to be offended, so you''re offended.  Dimes to dollars you''re a politically correct zealot.  Worry about the FACTS of the case, not the "what ifs" and life will so much easier to enjoy.

  12. If by "POY" you mean someone whose play kind of sums up the season best for us, then I''d like to nominate Juan Velasco.  Came in with much fanfare and expectations, played poorly, and faded into oblivion.  Assuming we don''t get relegated, that is how 2007-08 will be remembered........or not remembered because it will have faded into oblivion.


    I just noticed there is an option to NOT add any icons to a comment.  Why would anyone bother to click it if not clicking anything at all will result in the same thing? 

  13. The most embarrassing thing for me keeps happening.  It''s trying to explain that the team really is called The Canaries.  I have to make up stories about how wild canaries are predators, or that they are pound for pound (or ounce for ounce) the toughest birds.

    I keep some NCFC paraphenalia on my classroom walls, so the topic comes up when students who are supporters of teams in other leagues ask about it. A dog is not man''s best friend, it''s a canary.  At least, if you''re a coal miner, it is.

  14. Way to go, matt crowhurst.  Pick and choose the few words you WANT to read so you can go away offended and feeling victimized.  Did Pattison crash?  NO.  So this time it was no big deal.  As I stated, but you likely missed because your eyes were clouded with tears, he was fortunate.  Don''t cry at me with the "what ifs" because "what if" did not happen.  He has been appropriately punished, so let it go.

    As for you father, I support the death penalty for the jackwad that killed him, so I hope that makes you feel better. Pattison didn''t kill anyone. We can''t punish him for what might have happened.  This is not "Minority Report," and I am not the guy played by Tom Cruise (nee Mapother).

  15. Now, now Marty, he did preface his insulting, poorly considered commentary with a "No disrespect intended," so that absolves "Hardly any" of responsibility for what he wrote.  I mean, he didn''t MEAN to offend anyone with his rude, assumptive and wrong idea.

    Besides, isn''t it much more important to be like him, an observer on the sidelines rather than a particpant in the event?  What school boy doesn''t dream of being in the stands at Carrow Road when they are grown up, rather than being on the pitch actually involved directly in the game?  When I was a lad, I wanted to be cheering in the Barclay, not scoring the winning goal.


    sincerely,  Sarcasm Aplenty

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