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City 4 eva

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  1. We need a Manager wrote the following post at 30/06/2006 2:51 PM: Worthington will be gone long before the end of the season.Get him out. I agree with you i beleieve if City are mid table by christmas i think a new manager will have to come in they cannot let worthless spend or should i say waste the little if any January money we have got. WE WANT WORTHY OUT SAY WE WANT WORTHY OUT!!  
  2. you lot forget that we are a championship side and not a club that and go and spend tons on one player we have to have whats there for the buget we have so would you rather have worthless spend 2 million on hulse for a player only a few years younger and scored less goals than howard.
  3. Yea because i would a 1m on Zat Knight, and of course Fulum would let him go even though he is there best defender........NO i meant Leon Knight of Swansea, and if you spend 500,000 on commons it would at least bring Hucks back down to earth and keep him on his toes.
  4. My Team if Worhtless wasn''t in charge                                                          GALLAGER           HALFORD                DOHERTY                          SHACKELL         DRURY           EDWARDS               SAFRI                                  KOUMAS              HUCKERBY                                              EARNSHAW             HAWLEY  SUBS LEWIS, SPILLANE, ETUHU, KNIGHT, COMMONS HALFORD-500,000K EDWARDS-750,000K KOUMAS-LOAN WITH VIEW TO PEMERNANT MOVE HAWLEY-500,00K KNIGHT-1M COMMONS-500,00K 
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